With the legalization of hemp at the federal level with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, it wasn’t long before a new industry based on the increasing popularity of cannabidiol began to take root across the country. But the growth of that industry is at risk in Indiana... Read more
Legal marijuana could become less of a strain on Colorado’s environment if the pot industry embraces a new set of waste removal and packaging rules — but not without a three-way tug-of-war between saving money, preventing black market sales and encouraging environmental sustainability. Leftover marijuana plant matter isn’t your... Read more
You are here: Home / Policy & Legal / Pennsylvania / Medical marijuana sales soar amid COVID-19, making Pa. one of the nation’s fastest growing cannabis markets August 17, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment The number of patient visits at cannabis dispensaries has risen by more than 70... Read more
Once again, a battle is brewing in Arizona over the legalization of marijuana. A recently-filed lawsuit seeks to halt the adult-use initiative on the ballot this November. The campaign against it has embraced fictitious information, fear tactics, and the like. Led by Smart and Safe Arizona and supported by numerous local... Read more
Florida attorney Andrew J. Shamis, who’s developed a cottage industry suing companies over use of unsolicited telemarketing, has set his sites on marijuana companies in Michigan. Shamis with his Miami-based law firm, Shamis & Gentile, has sued at least three Michigan marijuana companies in federal court this year, including... Read more
Almost four years after legalization, Maine will open its recreational marijuana market to public sales on Oct. 9. Consumers won’t know where they will be able to buy legal adult-use cannabis until Sept. 8, when the Maine Office of Marijuana Policy announces its first round of fully licensed testing... Read more
Two separate cannabis initiatives have qualified for the general election ballot in Montana, making it the sixth state in the nation that will be voting on a legalization measure in November. On Thursday, the office of Montana Secretary of State Corey Stapleton revealed that supporters for Initiative 190 and... Read more
Texas is preparing for the first-ever legal cannabis harvests since the plant was banned statewide in 1931. In Bergheim, Texas, just north of San Antonio, there’s a skunky smell in the air. “You know, that’s a really good description. Skunky is a very typical terpene that is in most... Read more
An influx of new recreational marijuana businesses could be coming to Michigan some time after Nov. 1. If that happens, marijuana customers may see lower prices and a greater selection of recreational marijuana. It could also push medical marijuana shoppers, who play an increasingly smaller roll in the Michigan... Read more
The Montana Secretary of State certified that a measure seeking to legalize recreational marijuana in the state has gathered enough signatures to appear on the November ballot. If passed, the measure would legalize the possession and use of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21.... Read more