Cuomo cites marijuana legalization as a top priority
Marijuana Industry NewsNew YorkRecreational Marijuana May 30, 2019 0
California Cannabis: L.A. Phase 3 Social Equity Window Opens Today
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized May 29, 2019
The prelude to Phase 3 licensing in the City of L.A. is finally upon us. Today, L.A. will begin accepting applications for Phase 3 social equity applicants for retail and delivery in the City. Specifically, Phase 3 social equity applicants will have from today through July 29th to prove up their Tier 1 or Tier…
Read moreAs a Deadline for Legalizing Marijuana in Illinois Approaches, a New Poll Finds Strong Public Support
IllinoisMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana May 24, 2019 0
East Coast marijuana market could rival Colorado’s in coming years, report finds
Marijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana May 24, 2019 0
Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission approves first sale of a marijuana company
Marijuana Industry NewsMassachusettsRecreational Marijuana May 24, 2019 0
Washington’s New Cannabis Laws: The Definitive List
Recreational MarijuanaUncategorized May 23, 2019
Washington lawmakers were busy this last legislative session. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Governor’s Office. This means some minor and major changes to Washington marijuana laws. Below is a list of marijuana bills that made it through the legislative session, and some commentary. Senate Bill 5298 “Regarding labeling of marijuana products.” This bill allows…
Read moreMaine hopes to avoid pitfalls during marijuana legalization push
MaineMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana May 22, 2019 0
Illinois’ marijuana market could rival Colorado’s in the coming years, report finds
Marijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana May 22, 2019 0
Oregon Cannabis: 2019 Legislative Session Update
OregonRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized May 20, 2019
Back on March 1, I ran through a legislative forecast and report for Oregon cannabis in 2019. In that post, I touched on six main issues: hemp, marijuana production limits, interstate sales, social consumption, local grow tax and off-work use. As we move into the home stretch of the 2019 session, each issue has been…
Read moreAurora Cannabis Sold 9 Tons of Marijuana Last Quarter
Marijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana May 17, 2019 0