Member Blog: Future Of FDIC Easing for Cannabis Banking After Biden Decriminalizes Marijuana
by Joshua Gilstrap, e2b teknologies Over the years, the simple possession or use of cannabis has seen many lives upended by arrests and criminal convictions. Unfairly, racial disparities have determined that black and brown individuals suffer most of these convictions, arrests, and prosecutions, even though white individuals use and... Read more
Cannabis Reform – Legislative Victory and What Is To Come
by Madeline Grant, Government Relations Manager After months of focused attention on the long-anticipated midterm elections, the U.S. Senate has finally approved the House-passed bipartisan cannabis research bill under unanimous consent. It marks the first time a standalone piece of cannabis legislation has ever been sent to the president’s... Read more
Member Blog: Dollars and Sense – 2022 Michigan Cannabis CFO Outlook
by Chris Rosmarin, Rehmann The cannabis industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in Michigan. It’s also an ever-changing industry, leading to myriad challenges for businesses operating within this space. One issue licensees face is a significant gap in vital business intelligence that’s needed to remain relevant in an... Read more
Committee Insights | 6.28.22 | Meet the Cannabis Influencers: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing
NCIA’s #IndustryEssentials webinar series is our premier digital educational series featuring a variety of interactive programs allowing us to provide you timely, engaging and essential education when you need it most. Got questions about how influencer marketing can help your cannabis brand? Interested in working with a... Read more
Member Blog: Payment Processing in the Cannabis Space – Part 3
by Todd Glider, MobiusPay, Inc This is Part III in a series of blog posts entitled Payment Processing in the Cannabis Space. Click here for Part I, and here, for Part II. It would be naive to suggest that the cannabis retailer isn’t also facing headwinds resulting, simply, from... Read more
There is more to cannabis than THC and CBD.  As our understanding (and commercialization) of cannabis evolves, new compounds like CBG, delta-8-THC, THCv, and others are coming onto the scene.  These various “minor” cannabinoids, however, bring with them a host of new issues. NCIA’s Cannabis Manufacturing Committee, Scientific Advisory... Read more
Midterm Election Wins, Losses, and the Lame Duck Session
Photo By by Michelle Rutter Friberg, NCIA’s Deputy Director of Government Relations Last week, the long-anticipated 2022 midterm elections (finally) took place. In addition to the usual House and Senate elections, five states voted on cannabis ballot initiatives: Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota – with... Read more
Member Blog: Reaching The Highest Common Denominator
by Raina Jackson, Founder & CEO of PURPLE RAINA Self CareMember of NCIA’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee (DEIC) This past September I had the pleasure of lobbying in D.C. for the first time as part of NCIA’s 10th Annual Lobby Days. The lobbying process was demystified for me,... Read more
Committee Blog: The New Licensee Insurance Checklist – Part 1
by NCIA’s Risk Management and Insurance CommitteeDavid Rahn, S2S Insurance Specialists If you have a business in the cannabis industry, especially one that’s either newly operational or still in the pre-revenue stages, these businesses should have some sort of risk management plan put in place. Insurance is the cornerstone... Read more
The NCIA DEI Delegation Reports Back from Lobby Days in D.C.!
by Mike Lomuto, NCIA’s DEI Manager On September 13-14, Social Equity applicants and operators from around the country traveled to Washington D.C. as part of NCIA’s Lobby Days. Lobby Days provides the opportunity for NCIA members to speak directly with national lawmakers about the issues most important to small... Read more
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