A bid to include the SAFE Banking Act in a must-pass defense spending bill has failed, leaving advocates searching for a way to pass the legislation that would grant the legal cannabis industry access to banking services. Proponents of the measure had hoped to include provisions of the banking... Read more
California company hit with $128 million fine over pot gummies
A California pot company has been hit with a $128 million fine for illegally producing millions of cannabis gummies. On Monday, a Los Angeles judge ruled that the makers of the popular Kushy Punch gummies were guilty of illegally producing cannabis products at an unlicensed Los Angeles facility. The... Read more
Minnesota Company behind “Death by Gummy Bears” marijuana edibles accused of selling products 50 times more powerful than allowed
The Minnesota pharmaceutical board filed a civil lawsuit this week alleging that a cannabis retailer sold edible products containing more than 50 times the state’s legal limit for THC. The retailer, a business conglomerate called Northland Vapor, was specifically accused of violating Minnesota’s edible cannabinoid laws with marijuana items... Read more
Tens of thousands of Connecticut residents are in line to have their records cleared after the state’s Democratic governor announced Tuesday that he is expunging low-level cannabis possession convictions. Gov. Ned Lamont’s office said in a press release that records “in approximately 44,000 cases will be fully or partially... Read more
Utah Synthetic: Lezli Engelking and FOCUS for the Audit (Part Two)
In Part 1 of this two-part look at Utah’s ongoing struggle with synthetic cannabinoids, Christine Stenquist of TRUCE, a Utah-based patient advocacy group, outlined the roots of the situation, the reasons why the issue is coming to a head, and the challenges she and others face getting the state... Read more
The 32-Year-Old Tasked With Making Legal Weed Work Queens native Christopher Alexander is building the market from scratch.
Toward the end of July, around 40 people gathered at the Black Spectrum Theatre in Queens to voluntarily sit through a PowerPoint presentation. It was part of a public forum organized by the Office of Cannabis Management, the state regulatory body created in September 2021 to usher in the era... Read more
The state of Minnesota said Monday that it is suing a trio of businesses for alleged violations of the state’s edible cannabinoid laws, saying that they are selling products that contain up to 50 times the permitted amount of THC.  The lawsuit filed by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy... Read more
Bennabis Health recently announced that its medical cannabis program is now available to patients living in New Mexico. The company has partnered with AltaVida Dispensary, located in Albuquerque, to help aid medical cannabis patients, specifically with workers’ compensation cases involving a patient seeking to use cannabis as medicine for... Read more
A Portland herbal shop is openly selling psilocybin mushrooms, drawing lines of people waiting more than two hours to get their hands on varieties of psychedelic fungi including Penis Envy and Knobby Tops.  In November 2020, Oregon voters approved Measure 109, a ballot proposition to legalize the therapeutic use... Read more
Does Kentucky really grow more marijuana than any other state?
From decades-old news articles to political talking points to social media comment sections, conversations about marijuana in Kentucky bring an oft-repeated claim. Kentucky produces more cannabis than any other state, the claim goes, making the illegal drug the Bluegrass State’s top cash crop. On paper, corn and soybean are Kentucky’s... Read more
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