Throngs of high-minded shoppers started flooding pot dispensaries when sales of recreational weed kicked off in Illinois at the start of the year. Less than three months later, that type of mass clamoring is strictly forbidden as social distancing measures have been put in place to quell the spread... Read more
March 27, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment An $850 million deal to buy Verano Holdings has been terminated, marking the second high-dollar acquisition of a Chicago marijuana company to fall through in less than a year. Phoenix-based Harvest Health & Recreation announced it planned buy Verano Holdings just over a... Read more
Nevadans can still get their marijuana. It just might take a bit longer to get it. Marijuana dispensaries made the list of businesses allowed to stay open in Nevada under Gov. Steve Sisolak’s order to close “nonessential” businesses that came down on Friday as part of the state’s plan to blunt... Read more
Despite the fact that New York state is on a fast track to becoming the new global epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic and politicians are locking horns over how to best respond to the crisis, some non-virus-related government business will continue as usual. And that will include marijuana legalization, Governor Andrew... Read more
In a desolate industrial zone of this capital city, a cannabis grow house is under construction that, when finished, will span 178,000 square feet, about the size of a Walmart superstore. At full capacity, 17 tons of marijuana a year, worth about $50 million, will be harvested. Among the... Read more
Cannabis may be legal in Vancouver but visitors looking to score are likely to run into a seemingly counterintuitive suggestion: try the black market. Recreational marijuana was legalised across Canada in October 2018. And yet on Reddit, the specialist forum website used by millions every day, many of Vancouver’s cannabis connoisseurs still... Read more
Michigan’s recreational marijuana industry continued its steady ascent in February, based on the latest monthly statistical report released by the state Marijuana Regulatory Agency. Monthly recreational marijuana sales hit $14.8 million, a 34% increase over the nearly $9.8 million in January sales. The first full month of recreational sales, which... Read more
Some Massachusetts residents are preparing for the coronavirus pandemic by stockpiling supplies — emptying grocery store shelves, stacking up cans of black beans in their cupboards and, apparently, buying a lot of marijuana to make it through a potential extended self-quarantine period. In Brookline, marijuana dispensary New England Treatment... Read more
After months of reviewing applications, the Office of Marijuana Policy on Friday made public for the first time the list of about 300 people who are applying for more than 200 state licenses to cash in on Maine’s long-awaited recreational marijuana market. The list includes some surnames familiar to many Mainers,... Read more
While the Iowa Legislature and Gov. Kim Reynolds debate the finer points of Iowa’s medical marijuana laws, a majority of Iowans say they want its medical usages expanded and marijuana to be legalized for recreational use, the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows. It’s the first time the poll... Read more