Postponing The Green Wave: Cannabis Legalization In 2020
Coming into 2020, policymakers in eight states expressed support for regulated medical or adult-use cannabis sales, and advocacy groups in nine states had efforts underway to include legalization on ballots in November. With cannabis already legal for medical use in 33 states; legal for medical and adult-use in 11 states;... Read more
Oregon sees record breaking $89 million in marijuana sales in April
May 19, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment There is one bright spot in the economy: marijuana sales. In April, Oregon saw $89 million in legal marijuana sales. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission reports marijuana sales were up 45% in April, compared to last year, making April 2020 the... Read more
A prior marijuana conviction could be a good thing for owners of Michigan pot businesses
A previous marijuana-related conviction could help entrepreneurs hoping to open a recreational marijuana business in Michigan. Michigan officials are trying to attract a wider variety of businesses to the booming recreational marijuana industry, not just those with deep pockets. The Marijuana Regulatory Agency, a subdivision of the state Licensing... Read more
Biden’s opposition to marijuana legalization is at odds with most Americans’ views
Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, still opposes federal marijuana legalization — putting him at odds not just with the majority of Democrats but also Americans overall. In debates, in his criminal justice reform plan, and in his “Plan for Black America,” Biden has said he... Read more
Federal mental health grants canceled because Maine has legal marijuana
Because Maine allows the medical use of marijuana by students, the federal government is cutting off $3.3 million in already approved funding to support mental health programs for youngsters. It isn’t clear whether the new federal policy may impact other grants received by the state. The state won a... Read more
Cannabis firm Aurora’s stock jumps 19% in pre-market trading as sales surge during coronavirus
Canada-based marijuana producer Aurora Cannabis pulled off high sales during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic. The licensed weed producer in Alberta posted third quarter revenues of $53.4 million (all figures in this post are in US dollars) on Thursday – an 18% jump from the previous quarter – driven... Read more
With no recreational marijuana sales during coronavirus pandemic and thousands more medical patients, state and municipalities to see impact on tax revenue in Massachusetts
With recreational marijuana stores closed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of medical marijuana patients has increased by the thousands in Massachusetts. Between the halt of adult-use sales since March 24 and additional medical marijuana patients who may not return to the recreational market, the state is poised to see an impact on... Read more
Coronavirus spells doom for federal cannabis legislation
You are here: Home / Policy & Legal / Coronavirus spells doom for federal cannabis legislation May 13, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment Rep. Earl Blumenauer’s (D-Ore.) road map for the current Congress ended in full legalization by the end of 2019. But instead of a complete overhaul... Read more
COVID-19 fails to stop Michigan pot industry as sales explode during pandemic
At least one industry in Michigan has largely been left unscathed by the coronavirus pandemic. Recreational marijuana operations have mushroomed, while weekly sales of recreational marijuana in Michigan from March 9 onward have risen significantly. Recreational pot sales in the nine weeks since March 9 now make up roughly 60%... Read more
Does Easy Legal Cannabis Delivery Exist In Colorado? Yes, But It’s Almost Impossible To Find
Colorado became the first state in the nation to legalize recreational cannabis back in 2012. Eight years later, during a historic pandemic that has confined much of the public to their homes, Colorado is on schedule to be the last state to allow for widespread legal marijuana delivery. This... Read more
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