Growing Marijuana Industry Struggles To Attract Employees Of Color
As marijuana becomes legal around the country, blacks and Latinos are often left out of new business opportunities. Advocates say people of color are often reluctant to join the growing legal marijuana economy because they were targeted far more often than whites during the war on drugs. Studies show... Read more
Is Six Years of Oregon Cannabis Supply Enough Already? OLCC Weighs In.

Last week, I covered the Oregon Secretary of State’s audit report of Oregon marijuana regulation. On January 31, the same day the audit was released, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) submitted its 2019 Recreational Marijuana Supply and Demand Legislative Report (“Report”). The Report’s key finding is nothing new: supply exceeds demand within Oregon’s recreational market….

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Majority of New Jersey residents favor legalizing recreational marijuana, poll shows
February 19, 2019 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment New Jersey lawmakers may still be working out details on just how to legalize marijuana. But one thing is for certain: The majority of the state’s residents are for it, according to a new poll. Results of a Monmouth University poll,... Read more
Marijuana Tax in New Jersey? It Could be $42 an Ounce
Gov. Philip D. Murphy and Democratic legislative leaders in New Jersey have reached an agreement that could place the state on a path to legalizing recreational marijuana this year if they are able to win enough support in the state legislature. The agreement, which establishes how marijuana would be... Read more
Battle Royale? Phase 3 Cannabis Licensing in City of Los Angeles

The City of Los Angeles has long endured questions surrounding its elusive Phase 3 licensing process for cannabis businesses. The City completed Phase 1 and 2 licensing without too much crazy change, but Phase 3 is very likely going to be a different story, and will affect a lot of stakeholders for better or worse….

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Bipartisan backing for marijuana legalization in New Mexico
For years, most New Mexico Republicans have steadfastly opposed proposals to legalize recreational marijuana use. But with an increasing number of states moving toward cannabis legalization, three Senate Republicans have teamed up with three Democratic colleagues on a bipartisan bill, filed Thursday, that would allow for the sale of... Read more
Oregon Marijuana Audit: Everything is All Messed Up and Also Just Fine

On January 31, the Oregon Secretary of State released an audit of Oregon marijuana regulation. The audit is a hefty 37 pages, but its core findings are listed right there on the cover sheet: “Oregon’s framework for regulating marijuana should be strengthened to better mitigate diversion risk and improve laboratory testing.” Now: we would all…

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Up to 3 ounces would be legal under marijuana possession bill reintroduced in NC Senate
A Forsyth County legislator reintroduced Wednesday a Senate bill that would make it legal to possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana for personal use. However, Senate Bill 58 would allow individuals to be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor if they exceed 3 ounces of marijuana. The bill would go... Read more
Colorado marijuana sales crack $6 billion since 2014 legalization, state says
Colorado marijuana businesses have sold more than $6 billion worth of weed and related products since a voter-approved measure allowing adults over the age of 21 to consume recreational pot took effect in the state on Jan. 1, 2014. The milestone figure was highlighted Tuesday in a news release from the... Read more
ICYMI: U.S. Attorney General Nominee (Likely) Won’t Harsh Your Mellow

Back on January 4, 2018, the industry was in a slight tailspin due to then acting Attorney General Jeff Session’s (renowned marijuana hater) rescinding of all marijuana enforcement guidance from the Department of Justice (“DOJ”). Reactions in the media ranged from treating the Sessions announcement as nothing more than an attempt to frighten the cannabis industry…

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