Growing Marijuana Industry Struggles To Attract Employees Of Color
Marijuana IndustryMarijuana Industry NewsMedical MarijuanaRecreational Marijuana February 21, 2019 0
Is Six Years of Oregon Cannabis Supply Enough Already? OLCC Weighs In.
OregonRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized February 21, 2019
Last week, I covered the Oregon Secretary of State’s audit report of Oregon marijuana regulation. On January 31, the same day the audit was released, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) submitted its 2019 Recreational Marijuana Supply and Demand Legislative Report (“Report”). The Report’s key finding is nothing new: supply exceeds demand within Oregon’s recreational market….
Read moreMajority of New Jersey residents favor legalizing recreational marijuana, poll shows
Marijuana Industry NewsNew JerseyRecreational Marijuana February 20, 2019 0
Marijuana Tax in New Jersey? It Could be $42 an Ounce
Marijuana Industry NewsNew JerseyRecreational Marijuana February 20, 2019 0
Battle Royale? Phase 3 Cannabis Licensing in City of Los Angeles
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized February 19, 2019
The City of Los Angeles has long endured questions surrounding its elusive Phase 3 licensing process for cannabis businesses. The City completed Phase 1 and 2 licensing without too much crazy change, but Phase 3 is very likely going to be a different story, and will affect a lot of stakeholders for better or worse….
Read moreBipartisan backing for marijuana legalization in New Mexico
Marijuana Industry NewsNew MexicoRecreational Marijuana February 16, 2019 0
Oregon Marijuana Audit: Everything is All Messed Up and Also Just Fine
Medical MarijuanaOregonRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized February 16, 2019
On January 31, the Oregon Secretary of State released an audit of Oregon marijuana regulation. The audit is a hefty 37 pages, but its core findings are listed right there on the cover sheet: “Oregon’s framework for regulating marijuana should be strengthened to better mitigate diversion risk and improve laboratory testing.” Now: we would all…
Read moreUp to 3 ounces would be legal under marijuana possession bill reintroduced in NC Senate
Marijuana Industry NewsNorth CarolinaRecreational Marijuana February 14, 2019 0
Colorado marijuana sales crack $6 billion since 2014 legalization, state says
ColoradoMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana February 14, 2019 0
ICYMI: U.S. Attorney General Nominee (Likely) Won’t Harsh Your Mellow
Medical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized February 13, 2019
Back on January 4, 2018, the industry was in a slight tailspin due to then acting Attorney General Jeff Session’s (renowned marijuana hater) rescinding of all marijuana enforcement guidance from the Department of Justice (“DOJ”). Reactions in the media ranged from treating the Sessions announcement as nothing more than an attempt to frighten the cannabis industry…
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