The Minnesota Department of Health has issued a bulletin warning consumers that retailers are selling unregulated and illegal cannabis products that exceed the state’s limit for THC. Minnesota legalized recreational marijuana earlier this year, but state-licensed cannabis dispensaries are not expected to open for at least a year, perhaps... Read more
Local government officials in the Swiss capital of Bern are discussing the possibility of launching a pilot program to study the effects of legal cocaine sales on the general public. According to Reuters, legislators in the Bern Parliament have proposed the idea as a potential solution to increased cocaine... Read more
Connecticut’s Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) released a press release Wednesday, reminding residents that alcohol sales will be banned on Christmas and New Year’s Day, but cannabis and gambling is allowed. Connecticut officials told residents to buy alcohol ahead of time if they want booze on Christamas and New... Read more
The wave of legalization that has swept over the United States in the last decade has coincided with a swell in published research on cannabis. That is the finding unearthed by the marijuana advocacy group NORML this week.  Citing the results of a keyword search of the the National... Read more
The Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar is now the world’s largest producer of opium, according to a recent report from the United Nations. Myanmar’s new dominance in the international opium market follows the decline of production of the drug in Afghanistan, which had previously been the largest producer of... Read more
Colorado Gun Rights Org Pushes Voter Initiative Allowing MJ Users To Obtain Concealed Carry Permits | High Times Total 0 Share Read more
California legislators have approved regulations for water companies to begin purifying sewage water for people to drink. In a state with over 39 million residents regularly stricken by years-long droughts, water companies will soon be permitted but not required to recycle toilet water, extensively treat it, and send it... Read more
Top Marijuana For Cannabis Investing Today
Congress passed a bill Monday that directs the United States government to publicly disclose information pertaining to unidentified anomalous phenomena, more commonly known as UFOs, but the catch is they have many years to do so. A portion of the annual defense policy bill contained a directive to all... Read more
Things got a bit spicy for border patrol officers in San Diego last week. It was there, near the United States-Mexico border, that officers discovered more than $10 million worth of hard narcotics that had been hidden in a shipment of jalapeño paste. The bust went down on December... Read more
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