California cities begin embracing cannabis in desperate search for cash
California local governments scrambling to find tax revenues during the coronavirus pandemic are turning toward an industry they had considered taboo until now: cannabis. It has been almost four years since voters legalized recreational marijuana in California, and nearly 70 percent of cities and counties have yet to embrace... Read more
LA Gives Initial OK for Reboot of Marijuana Marketplace
Los Angeles moved Wednesday to reboot its once-promising legal marijuana market, giving initial approval to changes large and small to expand licensing and get more assistance to operators who endured the consequences of the nation’s war on drugs. Broad legal sales kicked off in California in 2018, and at... Read more
Why more states could legalize cannabis in 2021
Actions by states to reduce criminal penalties for marijuana use and possession are fueling momentum for the broader movement to legalize cannabis and have it serve as an economic engine for cash-strapped coffers, industry members and policy experts say. “I expect a record number of states to legalize marijuana in 2021, in... Read more
Bernie Sanders: If you want police reform, legalize marijuana
You are here: Home / Policy & Legal / Bernie Sanders: If you want police reform, legalize marijuana June 21, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment National leaders and lawmakers have held ongoing conversations around criminal justice reform and racial injustices following George Floyd’s death by Minneapolis police. According... Read more
Having a pound of marijuana wouldn’t get you arrested in New Jersey under a new bill
June 15, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment Almost all arrests for possession of marijuana would be eliminated in New Jersey if a new bill is adopted by the state legislature. The bill would not legalize marijuana — that decision is being left to the voters on Nov. 3. But... Read more
Black Cannabis Entrepreneurs: Cut Marijuana Taxes, Defund The Police
Black cannabis entrepreneurs are calling for a repeal of marijuana taxes that dedicate funding to police and law enforcement. Along with massive demonstrations in almost every American city—and many small towns—the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man suspected of a nonviolent crime, by Minneapolis police on May... Read more
South Dakota marijuana advocates launch campaign for November election
June 12, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment Marijuana legalization advocates kicked off their campaign on Wednesday to convince South Dakota voters to vote to legalize both medical and recreational marijuana in the November general election. South Dakota, where marijuana is currently illegal, would be the first state to... Read more
Despite legalization, people of color still disproportionately targeted for marijuana, new studies say
Marijuana legalization has been touted as one way to unravel the consequences of the war on drugs, but two new studies suggest that the communities most harmed by the nearly 50-year crusade — namely people of color — are not reaping the benefits. Two reports, published by the American Civil... Read more
Why Marijuana Legalization Funds The Police
Bribing the cops is illegal, but not in politics. Without paying off the cops, California might not have legalized recreational cannabis. But now, four years later, with the legal industry struggling and police unable to protect legal merchants from either the illicit market or organized thieves, there’s serious doubt... Read more
The 4 Likeliest States to Legalize Marijuana in November
Despite its numerous growing pains over the past year and change, marijuana remains one of the fastest expanding industries on the planet. After logging $10.9 billion in legal worldwide sales in 2018, Wall Street has global pot sales hitting anywhere from $50 billion to $200 billion by 2030. Although... Read more
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