Michigan’s new marijuana agency will regulate a market in turmoil
Marijuana Industry NewsMichiganRecreational Marijuana April 25, 2019 0
Federal Marijuana Legalization Is Close, Suggests Canopy-Acreage Deal
Marijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana April 24, 2019 0
Maine releases draft rules for its recreational marijuana market
MaineMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana April 23, 2019 0
California Cannabis: Los Angeles Moves to Reform Phase 3 Cannabis Licensing
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized April 23, 2019
This past weekend was the hallowed 4/20 holiday for those who celebrate and participate. Prior to 4/20, the City of L.A. made some progressive moves towards bolstering consumer protection in the City concerting illegal cannabis (see this pretty great interactive map for your legal cannabis providers in City borders) and rounding out (legally speaking) the…
Read moreUS authorities: Marijuana involvement imperils citizenship
Marijuana IndustryMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana April 22, 2019 0
Marijuana is legal in Massachusetts, but your boss doesn’t have to allow it — yet
Marijuana Industry NewsMassachusettsRecreational Marijuana April 22, 2019 0
Cannabots: Are the Robots Coming For Your Weed?
Medical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized April 22, 2019
Everyone seems to agree that few of us are safe from the impending roboacolypse. Not the farmers, not the restaurant workers, not even the fashion models or (gasp!) the lawyers. What about those employed in the cannabis industry? Not according to a recent article on Seedo, “an Israeli and Maryland based startup that claims to…
Read moreMexican Cannabis: The New Legal Landscape
Medical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized April 20, 2019
We are committed to keeping our knowledge of international cannabis news current, and as legalized cannabis has become an international reality, our lawyers in Spain and in China are naturally seeing more of this work. Zozayacorrea Sahagún Arizaga, a leading law firm based in Guadalajara, Mexico, gave Harris Bricken the express permission to provide our…
Read moreCorporate America Gears Up for ‘Weed Day’ Celebrations on April 20
Marijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana April 20, 2019 0
Washington Lawmakers Poised to Redefine the WSLCB’s Role in Washington Marijuana
Recreational MarijuanaUncategorized April 19, 2019
Senate Bill 5318 is making its way through the Washington legislature and seems destined for Governor Jay Inslee’s desk. As of April 16, the bill had cleared both the Washington House and Senate. If signed into law, which seems increasingly likely, SB 5318 would drastically change the way the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis…
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