A year after first two recreational marijuana shops opened in Massachusetts, a mostly warm buzz
A year after the first recreational marijuana shops opened in Massachusetts, cannabis product sales have generated nearly $3.5 million in combined taxes and fees and a generally warm buzz for the first two towns to allow it. The revenue represents the first full year’s worth of the collected 3%... Read more
Cannabis Legalization Roundup: Mexico, Luxembourg, Switzerland

We like to check in from time to time on what’s happening with marijuana legalization around the world. To date, there are something like 40 countries that have legalized marijuana for medical use. Many more countries have decriminalized marijuana in various amounts, and a few have straight up “legalized” recreational marijuana. Among these bellwethers, South…

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Michigan awards first marijuana licenses, paving way for December 1 sales
The state’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency delivered the first five recreational marijuana licenses Tuesday, paving the way for sales of legal weed to anyone 21 or older. Licenses went to Exclusive Brands in Ann Arbor, which has a grow operation, a processing facility and a medical marijuana dispensary. Another went... Read more
Biden says marijuana may be a ‘gateway drug.’ Like most of his generation, he’s not ready to legalize it.
You are here: Home / Policy & Legal / Biden says marijuana may be a ‘gateway drug.’ Like most of his generation, he’s not ready to legalize it. November 18, 2019 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment On the question of marijuana, former vice president Joe Biden might seem out... Read more
‘Epidemic’ of layoffs in California marijuana industry — CEO faults state for inaction
Flow Kana isn’t the only cannabis company forced to make cuts. In recent weeks, companies like Eaze and Weedmaps have also laid off part of their workforce. “It almost feels like an epidemic of companies of similar size going through similar processes,” Steinmetz said. The layoffs reflect challenges in California’s fledgling recreational cannabis... Read more
Help wanted in Michigan’s projected billion-dollar-plus marijuana industry
Within two hours on a day following record snowfall in Michigan, a career fair seeking up to 100 employees for a proposed marijuana grow facility in Pontiac ran out of its 300 applications. A waiting list was created for the jobs that pay between $15 and $18 per hour with benefits... Read more
Will Neil Young’s Marijuana Use Keep Him From Becoming a U.S. Citizen?
Neil Young had a certain birthday present in mind this year: United States citizenship. Everything seemed to be in place for him to take his oath on Tuesday, his 74th birthday, the Canadian singer told The Los Angeles Times last month. Amid what he called a “climate emergency,” he was looking... Read more
Top 6 Growing Pains in California’s Cannabis Marketplace

Every state that’s legalized cannabis for adults 21-and-up has faced that moment or even series of moments that threatened to really derail or seriously stymie market development. California is at that crossroads and has been almost from the outset of the first issuances of cannabis licenses back in January 2018. California will, of course, eventually…

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As Illinois Prepares To Legalize Pot, Public Housing Tenants Not Allowed To Partake
Recreational pot is about to become legal in Illinois, but Chicago’s Housing Authority says not in our backyard or front yard or anywhere on public housing premises, for that matter. Housing voucher recipients received a letter from the agency last week, warning them about the ramifications of smoking or... Read more
Michigan’s recreational marijuana market could open earlier than originally expected
As recreational licenses are being processed, Michigan’s prospective marijuana businesses are becoming eager, if not antsy, to begin growing, processing and selling legal weed to the general public. As of now, based on the current rules and the length of the marijuana grow cycle once businesses are licensed, there... Read more
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