Oregon Marijuana Company Sued in FLSA Wage Claim

I recently wrote about a case in the Tenth Circuit, Kenney v. Helix TCS, Inc., where the Court of Appeals is asked to decide if the Federal Labor Standards act (FLSA) provides wage and hour protection to employees of cannabis businesses. That case hasn’t seen much movement since I wrote about it, but its decision…

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CBD Companies Should Prepare Now for Product Liability Claims

We counsel our cannabis (and non-cannabis) clients extensively on product liability issues, and have warned them that the federal illegality of their products will not shield them from the same products liability risks faced by companies in other industries. We extend the same warnings to our cannabidiol (CBD) clients, who, if they are operating outside…

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What Will the California Cannabis Industry Look Like in a Few Years (From the Legal Perspective)?

Because California’s cannabis regulatory scheme is still in relative infancy, 2018 has looked the same for most operators: applying for annual licenses and waiting (and then continuing to wait) for them to issue or fighting to get temporary license applications submitted before they can no longer be issued. But what happens in two or three…

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Cannabis Fines and Asset Forfeiture: Supreme Court to Weigh In

We have handled a number of excessive fines cases on behalf of clients who’ve had their property seized, or threatened to be seized by the government. For some background on this, see our blog posts here and here. The United States Constitution provides that excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and…

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Cannabis RICO Lawsuits Are Failing: Oregon and Colorado Updates

We’ve been writing about RICO lawsuits on this blog for a while. These lawsuits are typically brought by neighbors of state-licensed cannabis farms, who allege they are bothered by noise and smells associated with cannabis production, and that their property values have been damaged by extension. Generally speaking, these plaintiffs tend to have strong prohibitionist…

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Marijuana Business Litigation Decision Making

When people have been wronged, they naturally want to get justice and want the party that wronged them to pay enough money to make them whole. The law generally holds that when someone commits a tort or breaches a contract against you, they owe you an amount of money equal to the value of your…

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Cannabis Litigation 101: Arbitration

This is the second post in a series on various aspects of cannabis litigation. The title is admittedly a bit misleading, as arbitration isn’t really the same thing as litigation. That said, the two can intersect, and so understanding what arbitration is and is not, is important for cannabis businesses. After all, many contracts in…

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Cannabis Litigation 101: Trade Secrets
Protect them at all costs! Over the course of the next few weeks and months, we intend to write a number of blog posts about various forms of civil litigation that could arise in future in the cannabis industry. This is the first, and is focused on trade secret... Read more
Oregon Industrial Hemp Litigation: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Nuisance pollination can cause a row. In recent posts, we’ve discussed cases where a neighbor to a cannabis grow sued the grower for nuisance, claiming that growing cannabis interfered with the neighbor’s use of their land. See here, here, here, here, here, and here. These lawsuits relied on the non-cannabis... Read more
Oregon Cannabis: Josephine County Loses Again
…another Josephine County setback. Poor Josephine County. We have been writing on this blog about the southern Oregon county’s mounting frustrations with cannabis, its successive losses in litigation, and its most recent attempt in federal district court to submarine Oregon’s cannabis programs. We immediately identified this lawsuit as a... Read more
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