Protecting Hemp-CBD Business Information

According to recent reports, the hemp-derived cannabidiol (“Hemp-CBD”) market is expected to grow by 700 percent by 2020 and grow to $2.1 billion by 2020. Given this significant growth forecast, sensitive business information (also known as trade secrets) has become an incredibly valuable asset for Hemp-CBD stakeholders. Realizing value from those trade secrets requires sharing them with…

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Cannabis Litigation: Another Blow to the Illegality Defense (Kennedy v. Helix TCS, Inc.)

Yes, cannabis is still federally illegal. But no, that doesn’t mean cannabis businesses should act as if federal law doesn’t exist. It does, and it probably applies to any cannabis business. Nevertheless, our cannabis attorneys often hear claims that federal law doesn’t apply. In fact, two questions that I’ve heard numerous times are: If the…

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Non-Compete Agreements: What Cannabis Business Owners Need to Know About Washington’s New Law

As the cannabis industry has matured, the competition between businesses has increased exponentially whether engaged in the sale of recreational marijuana, hemp, or CBD. A significant risk for any ongoing or new venture arises at the end of a term of employment, whether that end is voluntary or involuntary. That risk is of a former…

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Oregon Marijuana Company Sued in FLSA Wage Claim

I recently wrote about a case in the Tenth Circuit, Kenney v. Helix TCS, Inc., where the Court of Appeals is asked to decide if the Federal Labor Standards act (FLSA) provides wage and hour protection to employees of cannabis businesses. That case hasn’t seen much movement since I wrote about it, but its decision…

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Will Oregon Finally Protect Off-Work Marijuana Use in 2019?

It’s 2019 and Oregon employees can still be terminated for off-work marijuana use. That includes not just recreational use, but off-work medical use by registered cardholders in the Oregon Health Authority system– even patients with debilitating medical conditions like cancer or epilepsy. This means that Oregon, which has been on the forefront of decriminalization and…

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Cannabis Employment Law: The Class Action Lawsuits are Here

MedMen, a popular California cannabis retail company, has been hit with a class action lawsuit from former employees. Class action lawsuits are no joke. These lawsuits involve a few plaintiffs suing on behalf of multiple similarly situated plaintiffs. The claims, money, and other associated costs add up very fast. In MedMen’s case, two former employees,…

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FREE Webinar Tomorrow: Oregon Employment Law for Cannabis Businesses

Owning a cannabis business can present formidable challenges. Adhering to the OLCC rules can be complex in and of itself, but your business must also comply with an array of state and federal employment laws and regulations. If you are an OLCC licensed cannabis business with employees, Harris Bricken employment lawyer Megan Vaniman will present…

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Ninth Circuit Agrees with Montana: Employees Can Be Fired for Off-Work Marijuana Use

Medical marijuana is legal in Montana. Unfortunately, that does not prevent local employers from terminating workers for legal, off-work use of marijuana in the state. In 2010, while already employed by Charter Communications, LLC, Lance Carlson was issued a medical marijuana card under Montana Medical Marijuana Act to treat chronic low back and stomach pain….

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A Non-Solicitation Agreement for your California Cannabis Employees? Be Careful!

Legalized recreational cannabis businesses are still new in California. As a cannabis business owner, you may be thinking that a great way to protect your confidential information and prevent your employees from leaving would be a non-compete agreement. Think again. Not only are non-competition agreements unenforceable and prohibited in California, but they can come with…

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Tenth Circuit to Decide if Fair Labor Standards Act Applies to Cannabis Businesses

As we all know, cannabis remains a federally controlled substance, and therefore illegal at the federal level. However, most states have some form of legalization. I have always advised my cannabis business clients to comply with both state and federal laws when it comes to employment laws. It seems to be the safest bet to…

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