The Hochul administration has begun accepting applications from “justice-involved” individuals for retail cannabis dispensary licenses as officials prepare to provide some of those awarded licenses with “state of the art” storefronts constructed and furnished by the state Dormitory Authority. In response to questions from CNHI, Chris Alexander, executive director... Read more
Nearly every day, Crystal Quade is somewhere in Missouri knocking on doors. As Democratic leader in the Missouri House, Quade is hoping to help her party put a dent in the GOP supermajority that’s dominated the state legislature for more than a decade. And when she heard the news... Read more
It looks like recreational marijuana use is big bucks for Arizona. Medical marijuana usage plummeted as recreational use soars to a new high. According to the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR), adult-use (recreational) marijuana sales rose over $58.2 million in June. Medical marijuana usage sales sank to an all-time low... Read more
A statewide poll conducted in late July shows that support for legalizing recreational marijuana for adult use in South Dakota has waned in the past two years and also appears to indicate that a referendum on legalization in November could fail. The poll of 500 registered voters in July... Read more
Mayor Eric Adams rolled out his Cannabis NYC initiative Thursday to promote the regulated growth of the recreational marijuana industry across New York City. The City Department of Small Business Services commissioner Kevin Kim joined the mayor at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn to pledge support for small businesses... Read more
Generally considered to be two different species of the same plant, people have for decades seen sativa and indica strains as two completely different beasts regarding their effects
In a span of a little over two weeks, an initiative petition to legalize recreational marijuana in Missouri made an unexpected comeback. In late July, unofficial tallies showed the Legal Missouri campaign 2,275 signatures short of the threshold for getting on the ballot, leading many to believe its hopes were dashed.... Read more
The Wild Cat Road skips along a ridge line, a narrow half-paved, half washed-out track that once carried much of the world’s finest marijuana to market. Even in mists that obscured its treacherous course as it bows toward the Pacific, the road hummed in tune with the family weed... Read more
The state has certified a recreational cannabis amendment for the Nov. 8 ballot, but the votes will be counted only if supporters prevail in getting the Arkansas Supreme Court to restore its rejected ballot title. A group of medical marijuana growers and dispensaries, Responsible Growth Arkansas, is promoting the plan to legalize... Read more
Minnesota cannabis advocates are deploying a new strategy in their fight for legal recreational marijuana: pouring money into election races in hopes of achieving a “pro-legalization” majority in the state Legislature. The state’s leading cannabis advocacy groups — Minnesotans for Responsible Marijuana Regulation, Sensible Change Minnesota and Minnesota NORML... Read more