The marijuana industry looks like the fastest-growing job market in the country
Marijuana IndustryMarijuana Industry NewsMedical MarijuanaRecreational Marijuana March 21, 2019 0
Cannabis Companies, Public Markets and Supervoting Shares
Recreational MarijuanaUncategorized March 21, 2019
Recently, the concept of “supervoting shares” in U.S. public companies has surfaced again in the news. Supervoting shares are created where founders wish to dilute themselves in an economic sense (in exchange for transformative capital), but retain outsized control in management and governance. This is different than your typical “class A and B shares” setup,…
Read moreLegal marijuana for N.J. takes a huge step forward. We now expect final votes next week.
Marijuana Industry NewsNew JerseyRecreational Marijuana March 19, 2019 0
Pennsylvania Senators Unveil Recreational Marijuana Bill
Marijuana Industry NewsPennsylvaniaRecreational Marijuana March 19, 2019 0
Balancing the Scales? “Big Marijuana” and Social Equity
Medical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized March 18, 2019
Three years ago, I did a TedX Talk titled “High Dive: Are We Creating Big Marijuana?” The issues I raised in my talk are still relevant today, especially as more states legalize. Basically the new question around state cannabis legalization is who should get to profit from it–big business or those most negatively affected by…
Read moreKeeping Up with Harris Bricken: Cannabis Law Events
Recreational MarijuanaUncategorized March 14, 2019
February’s webinar “West coast Hemp-CBD After the Farm Bill” was a success! All of those involved at Harris Bricken enjoy hearing your positive words and questions. For those seeking more of the valuable information throughout the webinar, March holds many opportunities for you to attend events where Harris Bricken attorneys will be presenting. Read on…
Read moreAlaska adopts rules for on-site marijuana consumption at retail shops
AlaskaMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana March 13, 2019 0
Cannabis Patents are Approaching the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Recreational MarijuanaUncategorized March 13, 2019
In keeping with last week’s cannabis patent litigation update, it’s important to discuss a landmark decision that was made by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) on claims involving a cannabis patent just two months ago. On January 3, 2019, the PTAB published its Final Written Decision in…
Read moreNJ marijuana legalization: Phil Murphy, legislators announce legal weed deal. Is a vote next?
Marijuana Industry NewsNew JerseyRecreational Marijuana March 12, 2019 0
Phase 3 Marijuana Dispensary Licensing in L.A. Finally Takes Shape
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized March 11, 2019
Big changes are coming for L.A.’s long-awaited Phase 3 licensing regarding storefront retail. The last time I wrote on this topic, the Department of Cannabis Regulation (“DCR”) made several proposals to City Council on how to re-vamp Phase 3 licensing for efficiency and expediency, which at the time the City Council pretty much rejected. However,…
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