Mohamed El Guerrouj, who has been serving as the interim director for the Morocco National Agency for Regulating Cannabis Related Activities (ANRAC) general since September 2022, recently was granted the title of general director by Moroccan King Mohammed VI. According to Morocco World News, the announcement was made on... Read more
You’re reading a copy of this week’s edition of the New Cannabis Ventures weekly newsletter, which we have been publishing since October 2015. The newsletter includes unique insight to help our readers stay ahead of the curve as well as links to the week’s most important news. Friends, Two... Read more
Ignoring warnings from my family and that internal fear monster informed by nothing more than movies about narcotraficantes, I board the plane for an adventure in Colombia. From the moment I see Santi’s welcoming smile as I wheel out of the baggage area, I feel my anxiety dissipating. This... Read more
It’s time for Big Pharma companies that were caught lying to the public to pay up.  A new report compiled by ConsumerShield suggests the past decade was defined by record-high settlements and penalties in the pharmaceuticals sector, totalling over $80 billion in fines and penalties. ConsumerShield’s report, “The Pharmaceutical... Read more
Old, Unused Lumber Facility in Minnesota Set To Become Cannabis Cultivation, Manufacturing Facility | High Times Total 0 Share Read more
After months of controversy and legal disputes, the first legal cannabis dispensary in Harlem opened its doors to customers on Wednesday.  Gotham Buds celebrated its grand opening on West 125th Street in Manhattan –– just across the street from the historic Apollo Theater.  According to CBS New York, the store... Read more
If employees who drive buses, operate forklifts, and work with hazardous equipment aren’t allowed to test positive for pot should the police? After New Jersey’s Attorney General said that law enforcement officers can consume pot off-duty last year, a lawsuit aims to block officers on police forces from consuming... Read more
You can’t ignore the elephant in the room—that is, that cannabis is now legal in Vermont and sold to adults, and it’s only a matter of time until high school students are fully aware of their future options when they become adults. WCAX in Vermont profiled various school officials... Read more
The Arizona Department of Revenue recently released new data about cannabis sales reported for the months of June and July. Medical cannabis sales started in Arizona back in December 2012, while recreational cannabis sales started in Arizona in January 2021, but recent data shows that both industries have been... Read more
“You know who lives there?” Charlie, the man driving our boat, asks me as I jump into the deep blue water of Lake Coatepeque in northwestern El Salvador. He points to a minimalist-style villa on the freshly-mowed slopes of an island at the center of the lake. “That’s President... Read more
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