Today, New Jersey state lawmakers voted on a proposal to decriminalize cannabis in their state. The bill passed the New Jersey Assembly and would be a major step towards stopping cannabis arrests in the community. If this bill becomes law, residents will be allowed to have up to two... Read more

  Can These Two Pot Stocks to Watch See Gains Throughout 2020?…

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Holding a publicly elected office for the better part of five decades might make you well-qualified for president. But as presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is finding out firsthand, it also makes it difficult to drastically change positions on an issue as critical to public life as drug policy.... Read more
Agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized more than 1.5 tons of pot from a truck crossing into the United States from Canada at a Buffalo, New York border checkpoint, federal law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday. The seizure of 1,517 kilograms of cannabis was made on June... Read more
Missouri has had a rocky road to cannabis reform and medical cannabis expansion so far, but now, the state is poised for success with their own, commercial cannabis grow facility now fully up and operational.  The company operating the new grow, BeLeaf Medical LLC, is based in St. Louis.... Read more
A review of research published this month shows that more data is needed to see exactly how cannabis use ties in with public health.  The survey was conducted by University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers Kimberley Geissler and Jennifer Whitehill, assistant professors of health policy and management. It looked at... Read more
In this day and time, it is almost impossible to turn on the TV and not find a show or news conference or even live footage of an ongoing protest over “Black Lives Matter” or “Economic Equality”. The same situation exists with social media platforms, radio broadcast, etc., all... Read more
Colorado lawmakers passed a bill on Monday that would allow the governor to issue pardons for low-level marijuana convictions without input from the judges and prosecutors involved in the original court cases. The measure, House Bill 1424, now heads to the office of Democratic Gov. Jared Polis for his... Read more
Medical cannabis is currently legal in Louisiana, but the program is limited to only serve those with extreme medical conditions. Advocates and patients wanted to see it expanded, and now, thanks to a bill just signed into law by Governor John Bel Edwards, this expansion is a reality for... Read more
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