With the passage of Proposal 1 in last Tuesday’s midterm election, Michigan attorneys are gearing up for an influx of people interested in the business side of the budding marijuana industry. The doors seem to have swung wide open for marijuana businesses in Michigan. The excitement is there. But is the legal... Read more
Lawmakers in Mexico opened a door to marijuana legalization by declaring an absolute ban on recreational use a violation of constitutional rights. The country’s top court declared on October 31 that it had found in favor of two amparos (or legal injunctions) against the ban, which when added to three... Read more
By Andrew Cardinalemalden@wickedlocal.com
Nov 14, 2018 at 2:28 PM
Nov 14, 2018 at 2:28 PM
The Ordinance Committee ran into a minor stumbling block on its way towards determining who in the city would be granting recreational marijuana licenses. For a long time now, the License Board, which vets liquor licenses in the city, has... Read more
JACKSON, Mich. (WILX) — Marijuana businesses will not be open in the city of Jackson anytime soon.
Jackson City Council members considered two ordinances during a Tuesday night meeting that would have allowed medical and recreational marijuana businesses to operate in the city.
Both... Read more
INDIANAPOLIS — An overwhelming share of Hoosiers believe marijuana should be legalized for either recreational or medicinal use, according to the 2018 Hoosier Survey sponsored by Old National Bank and Ball State University. The Oct. 2 to Oct. 20 telephone poll of 604 randomly selected Indiana adults by Issues... Read more
SAGINAW COUNTY (WJRT) (11/13/2018) – Michigan voters passed Proposal 1 on Nov. 6, which will allow adults ages 21 and over to use and possess marijuana. But local college and universities are saying not so fast.
Already, Michigan State University and the University of Michigan... Read more
Ted Nugent says that “Canada is absolutely crazy” for its decision to legalize marijuana, explaining that he has “never seen one moment of positive outcome from someone getting high.” Starting in October, Canada became the highest-profile country to not only decriminalize cannabis possession and use, but to tax, regulate... Read more
This morning when I went to the gym before work, I put on an NPR podcast that delved into the story of the FTC’s bust of David Diamond. Diamond is an infamous Angeleno who defrauded hundreds of people via telemarketing scams. In the podcast, the interviewee does a great job of explaining the common scammer…
What had been dubbed the “most important midterm election of our lifetime” has come and gone. By the time the dust settled, Republicans has expanded their majority of seats in the Senate, while the Democrats had earned enough new seats to take back the House for the first time... Read more
In early November, Sipp Industries launched its Major Hemp H-IPA, a hemp-based India Pale Ale, in partnership with Church Street Brewing Co. in Itasca, Ill. After earning label approval from the Illinois Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Major Hemp H-IPA will now be canned and distributed... Read more