Gift of pot? Marijuana businesses work in Michigan law’s gray area
Marijuana Industry NewsMichiganRecreational Marijuana January 6, 2019 0
The Road to Recreational Marijuana in Florida Starts Next Week
FloridaMarijuana Industry NewsMedical MarijuanaRecreational Marijuana January 6, 2019 0
Gov. Jay Inslee offers pardons for thousands with misdemeanor pot convictions
Marijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana January 6, 2019 0
The California Cannabis Packaging and Labeling Mess Will Soon Begin
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized January 4, 2019
In early December, California’s cannabis regulators released their proposed final regulations. If the regulations aren’t changed, it’s expected that they will take effect at some point this month, or shortly after. These regulations have some pretty important changes from the current readopted emergency regulations. One of the notable areas of change is the packaging and…
Read moreArizona ‘very much on the map’ as marijuana companies expand, consolidate
ArizonaMarijuana Industry NewsMedical MarijuanaRecreational Marijuana January 3, 2019 0
Now for the Hard Part: Getting Californians to Buy Legal Weed
CaliforniaMarijuana Industry NewsRecreational Marijuana January 3, 2019 0
2019 Will Be a Banner Year for Cannabis Mergers and Acquisitions
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized January 2, 2019
We handle a lot of cannabis M & A in our Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland offices. Over the years, it’s become pretty clear that in robustly regulated cannabis states, the secondary market for buying and selling businesses really peaks (after initial legalization) as local and state governments finally begin to settle their…
Read moreHappy New Year!
Medical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized January 1, 2019
Here’s to great things for all of our readers and for the cannabis industry in 2019!
Read more2018 Was a Huge Year for Cannabis
Medical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized December 31, 2018
We had a blast celebrating all of the big wins for cannabis on this blog this past year. Looking back, it was a monumental year for cannabis reform, both in the United States but also internationally. At this point, it feels like there is no realistic scenario in which prohibition carries the day: Federal legalization…
Read moreCalifornia Cannabis: The Pasadena Permitting Countdown is On
CaliforniaMedical MarijuanaRecreational MarijuanaUncategorized December 29, 2018
On January 1, 2019, the City of Pasadena in Northeastern Los Angeles County will open up its 30-day window to apply for one of six retail, four cultivation, or four testing facility permits. These 14 licenses will be highly coveted and sought after, and the winners will not be derived from a lottery system, but…
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