Maryland lawmakers have a lot to learn on legalizing marijuana
August 20, 2019 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment As Maryland’s lawmakers delve into the nuances of whether to legalize marijuana for recreational use, they’re learning that they have a lot of details to figure out. A joint House of Delegates-Senate work group on legalization met Monday for the second... Read more
Medical Marijuana Companies Continue Expanding in Puerto Rico
Medical marijuana firms are continuing to flock to the island, with the latest investments announced by Cansortium, Columbia Care and Bhang. Cansortium recently announced that it was opening its second Fluent medical marijuana dispensary in Puerto Rico. Columbia Care is set to launch “vertically integrated operations” on the island,... Read more
California Cannabis: Preparing for Phase 3 Licensing in L.A. on September 3rd

The final countdown is on for Round 1, Phase 3 retail licensing in Los Angeles. On September 3rd at 10 a.m., the L.A. Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) will open the flood gates to would-be Round 1 applicants. And in its own announcements on the subject, the DCR states that it has verified over 800…

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Is Thailand the next big marijuana market?
In East and Southeast Asia, democracies and dictatorships alike have long skewed toward severe penalties for marijuana users. Thailand, a key ally in America’s global war on drugs, has been no exception. But the perception of cannabis has begun to change with astonishing speed. Thailand’s right-wing government recently legalized medical cannabis... Read more
Grading the Democratic Presidential Candidates on Marijuana: Andrew Yang

Every Saturday, we have been running a series of blog posts that take a close look at the Democratic Party candidates for President in 2020. We examine each candidate’s historic approach to marijuana law and policy, and we also canvas their current respective stances on marijuana. Over the past seven weeks, we covered Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala…

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California has the biggest legal marijuana market in the world, despite black market
California is on track to post a record $3.1 billion in licensed cannabis sales this year, solidifying its status as the largest legal marijuana market in the world, according to a study released Thursday by financial analysts who advise the industry. Legal sales are up significantly from an approximate... Read more
D.C. Is Ready to Make Legal Marijuana a Boon for Big Business. But What About for Racial Justice?
When D.C. legalized the possession of marijuana in 2014, it was the product of a movement that, in many ways, was the first of its kind. “The campaign in D.C. was the first in the country that centrally focused on legalization as a racial justice issue,” says Michael Collins,... Read more
New Jersey Senate President exploring ‘restriction’ on legal weed edibles
Senate President Stephen Sweeney will look at a possible restriction on edible forms of marijuana in an attempt to win over legislators hesitant to vote for legal weed. Sweeney, D-Gloucester, raised the concerns about edibles Tuesday during an editorial board meeting with the Asbury Park Press. Several Democrats had expressed... Read more
The Biggest Pitfalls of California Cannabis Leases in 2019

We’ve written many times about how commercial leases to cannabis tenants are their own beasts. Generic leases don’t ever the job done. And, in California, as bad as some landlords want to rely solely on AIR and CAR forms, we generally caution landlords to have a customized lease arrangement when dealing with a cannabis tenant….

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For immigrants, even legal marijuana use can result in deportation
In late December 2017, Lisa Kum received a call from her husband, Sothy. Sothy told Lisa to pick him up in Chicago because he was about to be released after three months of detention by immigration authorities on a marijuana-related charge. On the drive from Wisconsin with their daughter... Read more
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