Committee Blog: Social Justice in the Cannabis Industry – Your Answers Will Take Minutes, But The Impact Could Be Long-Lasting
By Rudy Schreier, MMLGNCIA’s Marketing & Advertising Committee’s Social Justice Subcommittee The cannabis industry is evolving at light speed. From nationwide legalization, to massive corporations developing green thumbs, cannabis culture is shifting daily.  Exciting, yes, but this rapid cultural shift poses a threat to social justice by disregarding the... Read more
Partner Blog: The Top 10 Reasons to Participate in a Compensation Survey (And How to Use It)
By Dan Walter, FutureSense LLC Compensation surveys don’t sound like much fun. In fact, they seem like a pain in the neck for everyone involved. Why then should you participate? Heck, why should the NCIA and FutureSense even make an effort to spearhead such an effort? Our driving force... Read more
VIDEO: Looking Back On NCIA’s 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days
On May 21-23, 2019, NCIA held it’s 9th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days in Washington, D.C. with more than 250 NCIA members who represent the cannabis industry all across the country. NCIA’s Executive Director Aaron Smith highlights some of issues we brought to the halls of Congress to educate... Read more
GreenGro acquires California real estate for hemp CBD seed cultivation
Ancillary firm GreenGro Technologies acquired 4 acres in Southern California for propagating low-THC, high-CBD hempseeds. “We expect the sale of those seeds to have a significant positive impact on both our revenue and bottom line since the costs associated with producing hempseeds are expected to be significantly less than... Read more
Canadian cannabis giants stepping up investments in US hemp, CBD market
Two Canadian cannabis companies said this week that their strategy for expansion into the U.S. market includes – and will start with – hemp and CBD. Canopy Growth, a Smiths Falls, Ontario-based leader in the Canadian marijuana industry, said Tuesday it will open hemp processing facilities in seven U.S.... Read more
Minnesota hemp farmer suing state for revoking his license
Just as the hemp farming season gets underway, a Minnesota hemp farmer is claiming in a federal lawsuit that the state violated his constitutional rights by revoking his growing license and ordering him to destroy his crop. Luis Hummel, who runs 5th Sun Gardens in Lanesboro, Minnesota, filed suit... Read more
FDA hearing ‘little bit like a first date’: Q&A with ATACH co-founder Michael Bronstein
As the hemp and CBD industry navigates the regulatory roller coaster resulting from the much-celebrated 2018 Farm Bill, the unknowns can cause anxiety for even the most confident of businesspeople. That’s why it’s invaluable to have guidance and perspective from those who know the legal landscape. Pennsylvania-based lawyer Michael... Read more
FDA Rulemaking on Hemp/CBD – Hurry Up And Wait?
by Andrew Kline, NCIA’s Director of Public Policy In April of 2019, the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) formed a coalition of more than 100 CBD/Hemp entrepreneurs, scientists, medical doctors, and FDA lawyers to inform and influence FDA rulemaking on cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds. Over the past two months,... Read more
Report: American CBD sales to reach $7B by 2023 as investments surge
The passage of the U.S. Farm Bill flung open the door for institutional investors to pump millions of dollars into hemp and CBD companies, and financial firms are walking in, according to a new report from MJBizDaily Investor Intelligence. Hemp firms raised more than $230 million in the first... Read more
South Dakota tribe sues USDA over delayed hemp regulations
An American Indian tribe in South Dakota has filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for failing to approve its plan for hemp regulation on tribal lands. The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe claims that Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue violated the 2018 Farm Bill when he did... Read more
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