BREAKING NEWS: FDA Issues More Guidance on CBD Products

On April 2, 2019, the federal Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb issued a press release on hemp and hemp-derived cannabidiol (“Hemp CBD”). This is Gottlieb’s first major official press release since the now infamous December 20, 2018 press release which came just hours after the 2018 Farm Bill passed. In that December 20 press…

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The Marijuana Banking Act Is Going Down (To the Floor)

After its introduction on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, the House Financial Services Committee has voted 45-15 to advance the SAFE Banking Act of 2019 to the House floor on a to-be-determined date. Currently, the Safe Banking Act has 152 cosponsors, including 12 Republicans, which is more than one-third of the entire House of Representatives. House…

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FDA Suggests Congress Holds the Key to Legalizing CBD-Infused Foods

During a recent interview with the Brookings Institution, Scott Gottlieb, the departing head of the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), explained it would take several years for the agency to come up with rules that would legalize the use of hemp-derived cannabidiol (Hemp-CBD) in food products, unless Congress steps in. Gottlieb acknowledged the strong interest…

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Going Postal: USPS Provides Guidance on Mailing Hemp-CBD

Recently the United States Post Office (“USPS”) issued an advisory on “Acceptance Criteria for Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil and Products Containing CBD.” Those criteria are as follows: 1. A signed self certification statement, subject to the False Statements Act (18 U.S.C. § 1001). Statements must be printed on the mailer’s own letterhead, must be signed by…

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Are CBD Food and Drinks Really Not Legal? Really?

We advise some of the largest companies in the U.S. on hemp-derived cannabidiol (hemp-CBD) products. Those companies are filled with lawyers, and the lawyers have many specializations. Most of them, however, have little or no familiarity with hemp-CBD, and that is why they reach out and hire us. In the preliminary emails and phone calls,…

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Hemp Stakeholders Share Their Thoughts with the USDA

Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) held a public meeting during which hemp stakeholders shared their opinion on the promulgation of rules to regulate the crop. Pursuant to the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp by descheduling the crop under the Controlled Substance Act, the USDA is tasked with overseeing and regulating the…

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Balancing the Scales? “Big Marijuana” and Social Equity

Three years ago, I did a TedX Talk titled “High Dive: Are We Creating Big Marijuana?” The issues I raised in my talk are still relevant today, especially as more states legalize. Basically the new question around state cannabis legalization is who should get to profit from it–big business or those most negatively affected by…

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The Marijuana Banking Bill Is Off To A Strong Start

Great news: on March 7, 2019, the “Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act of 2019” (or, the “SAFE Banking Act”) was officially introduced in the House of Representatives. Even greater news: championed by Representatives Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) and Denny Heck (D-WA), the SAFE Banking Act reached the House with a bipartisan alliance of 106 co-sponsors…

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Top Five Drags on the Cannabis Industry

There’s no question that cannabis remains a rocky, emerging industry even though entire countries and more than 30 U.S. states now have cannabis legalization or “medicalization”. The reasons why though stem from a variety of sources–federal prohibition, the patchwork quilt of regulations from state to state, the array of personalities coming into the industry from…

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The Federal Legality of CBD Smokable Products

In the last few weeks, we have received a growing number of inquiries pertaining to the legality of smokable products infused with cannabidiol derived from industrial hemp (“CBD Smokables”), including vape pens and pre-rolled hemp flower joints. This post provides a brief overview of the current legal status of these products. As we have discussed…

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