Donald Trump Stands In Support For Federal Marijuana Reform
President Trump has the intentions to work towards legalizing medical marijuana on a federal level following next month’s midterm races, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, stated this past Thursday. The Trump administration has made a “solid commitment” to change marijuana regulations, and the president has expressed his views in... Read more
Investors Get Into High Gear As They Prepare for Recreational Cannabis in Canada
The Canadian cannabis market has been one of the most important sectors of the industry as whole for some time now. With legislation in favor of the substance, it seems as though Canada can continue to be a test case for how a successful cannabis industry can run in... Read more
Marijuana Stocks Resilient to Market Drop
The cannabis market has remained notoriously successful for some time now amidst changing regulations and the public opinion of the substance shifting as well. With this has come a lot of speculative trading and trading that is simply based on some of the top performers in the market. Interestingly... Read more
Legalizing Recreational Cannabis Brings New Investors Into the Market
The cannabis industry of recent has continued to astound investors expectations as new companies come into the market and gains are frequent. As regulations continue to shift and the public opinion of cannabis changes as well, it seems as though the future of the market is even more exciting... Read more
The Intrinsic Value of Small-Cap Cannabis Stocks
The cannabis market has managed to remain on a serious uptrend for some time now amidst changing regulation and the shifting market altogether. With new laws going into place around the world and the public opinion of the substance also changing it seems as though the cannabis market of... Read more
Marijuana Stocks Update: Ok Canada, Your Move
We’ve been “Connecting the Dots” for about a month now and our newest “Connect The Dots” feature, Integrated Cannabis Company  (ICNAF)(ICAN) continues its bull run. One of the most exciting things about the latest market moves ICNAF/ICAN has been making is that it has seen many technical breakouts form... Read more
Cannabis Continues to Lead Investing Trends
The cannabis market has seen a large amount of interest over the course of the past several years, but in recent times updates to legislation and the changing public perception of cannabis have both contributed to even larger growth in the space overall. Many stocks have been able to... Read more
What Voting Will Look Like for Cannabis in the U.S.
We all know that November is coming up which is the time where Americans get to decide the future of the coming years. With that said, a large amount of the focus of the upcoming vote has been spent on cannabis and what will happen to individual states in... Read more
This Marijuana ETF Is Comprised of Top Notch Companies
The cannabis market has remained extremely lucrative over the course of the past several years of the industry. With new regulations going into place and the public opinion of the substance changing rapidly, it seems as though more and more companies are able to move to the forefront of... Read more
Europe is Becoming a Hotbed for Cannabis
The cannabis market throughout the U.S. and North America has been notoriously successful for some time now as new innovation and the changing political stance of the industry has all helped to unify a once taboo market. With eyes set on the future, it seems as though the next... Read more
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