North Carolina-based Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) will officially be opening its cannabis dispensary on tribal land, effective as of April 20. This will also mark the opening of North Carolina’s first dispensary, since state legislators have not legalized medical cannabis. The EBCI tribe lies on 57,000 acres,... Read more
In 2023, an artist and his patron set out on a seemingly impossible task: illustrate the vast history of cannabis in a single art piece. Inspired by the Tapisserie de Bayeux—an ancient chronological tapestry depicting a two-year invasion of England by the Normans—Stefan van Swieten commissioned his friend Mossy... Read more
April 2024’s Green Giants: Leading Stocks in the Cannabis Sector

Budding Prospects: Must-Watch Marijuana Stocks in April 2024 As April 2024 approaches,…

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Leading US Ancillary Cannabis Stocks with Exceptional Double-Digit Gains Last Week
A new technique has arrived that measures the potency of psilocybin and psilocin, great news for those medicated by mushrooms.  Credit goes to teams at the University of Texas at Arlington, Scottsdale Research Institute in Phoenix, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments in Maryland, and Millipore-Sigma in Round Rock, Texas. They comprise... Read more
Senator Mitt Romney of Utah and two of his Republican colleagues have sent a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration, urging the law enforcement agency to decline a bid to reschedule marijuana under federal drug laws. Cannabis is currently listed under Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act... Read more
Thinking back just 10 years ago, the previous U.S. cannabis landscape stood in stark contrast to the one we enjoy today. The United States currently has 38 states with legal medical or recreational cannabis, with 74% of Americans living in a legal cannabis state and 79% living in a... Read more
High Potential: April’s Premier US Cannabis Stock Watchlist
Regulated sales of marijuana in Arizona topped $1.4 billion last year, according to state data, marking the third year in a row that licensed weed sales have exceeded $1 billion in the Grand Canyon State. Sales of recreational marijuana totaled more than $1 billion in 2023, while sales of... Read more
The Los Angeles Times reported that “Costa Mesa police and city employees trucked more than 100 pounds of cannabis flower, boxes of oil cartridges and vaporizers along with documents, devices and security equipment held in police storage” to the owners of Se7enleaf, Michael Moussalli and Matteo Tabib, reached a... Read more
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