Pennsylvania medical marijuana program to allow sale of flower, expand list of qualifying conditions
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Patients in Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program should be able to obtain the drug in dry leaf or flower form for vaporization by sometime this summer, the Wolf administration announced Monday. Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said she was accepting that and other recommendations made recently by... Read more
Alaska House votes to limit access to marijuana convictions
JUNEAU, Alaska — The Alaska House has passed legislation restricting access to records showing past convictions for simple marijuana possession. The measure is sponsored by Democratic Rep. Harriet Drummond. She says Alaskans should not be passed up for jobs or promotions for possessing something that is now legal. Alaska... Read more
Trump is backing off the marijuana fight. Jeff Sessions has not.
WASHINGTON — Marijuana has enjoyed some head winds lately, even as regulating it faces an uncertain future in the Trump administration. Over the past week, Trump promised not to go after marijuana suppliers and users who are obeying their state laws, former House speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced his... Read more
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