3 Marijuana Stocks For Investors To Buy And Hold In 2025
Green Thumb Industries Inc. (GTBIF) Expands National Retail Footprint to Over 100 Stores Nationwide
The Drug Abuse Resistance Education, aka D.A.R.E., has been teaching kids about substance abuse since 1983 with a mission of delivering science and evidence-based curricula. Recently, a D.A.R.E. documentary published by Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan on April 12 spoke with numerous individuals regarding the D.A.R.E. program and discussed... Read more
Regulated marijuana sales in the United States are expected to exceed $31 billion this year, according to a recent economic forecast from a firm specializing in cannabis and hemp business consulting, data, and economic research.  The projection from Portland, Oregon-based Whitney Economics estimates that legal sales of medical marijuana... Read more
Lawmakers in Washington State “recently passed a bill granting an exemption from the 37% excise tax for medical marijuana patients and designated providers,” according to Forbes. The passage of the measure eliminates  what has been characterized as “one of the highest tax rates imposed on medical marijuana products.”  The... Read more
Three Out of Four Americans Live in State with Adult-Use or Medical Cannabis, Pew Research Center Finds | High Times Total 0 Share Read more
A cannabis company with operations based in Jamaica announced this week that it has successfully exported cannabis-derived THC products to the United States, where they will be tested at a facility licensed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. The company, Pure Jamaican and its GMP-certified, licensed pharma manufacturer Seven-10... Read more
A Republican-led proposal to legalize medical cannabis in the state officially died on Thursday, and although the GOP speaker of the assembly indicated that “there will still be a public hearing to build support for passage next session,” per the Associated Press, that “won’t occur until after the Assembly... Read more
Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB) Announces CFO Transition and Completion of Previously Announced Share Consolidation

Aurora Cannabis Announces CFO Transition and Completion of Previously Announced Share Consolidation…

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On Feb. 17, 2023, a Georgia-based Black family of seven (two parents, Deonte Williams and Bianca Claymore and five children, one of which was an infant at the time) were driving to a funeral and traveling through Tennessee to Chicago, Illinois, when they were detained at a traffic stop.... Read more
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