The Growing California Cannabis Market
Their marijuana industry has been rapidly changing over the course of the past several years, but new updates in legislation and the changing public sentiment have all combined to make the market broader than ever. As most eyes have been on Canada given the new bill is known as... Read more
Marijuana Stocks End of Day Wrap Up – 7/16/2018
We are your #1 source for all things Marijuana Stocks, Subscribe Below! Privacy Policy: We will NEVER share, sell, barter, etc. any of our subscribers information for any reason ever! By subscribing you agree we can send you via email our free e-newsletter on marijuana stocks related, articles, news... Read more
Marijuana Prohibition is Ending & Opportunity is Beginning
A Unique Opportunity In the United States from 1920 – 1933 was known as the Prohibition era. Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. In 1933 when Prohibition ended in the USA, it was a time... Read more
Marijuana Stocks: Hanging Out in Familiar Territory
We’ve brought attention back to a repeat winner that we’ve covered for the better part of the last 4 years.  Those of you who have been with us for a little while, you will surely remember OXIS International, now trading under the symbol (GTBP) we have once again begun to follow... Read more
Is the Cannabis Industry as Green as Its Product
The cannabis industry has seen a massive boom over the course of the past several years, but many have questioned the ecological impact of such a fast-paced industry. The marijuana industry has also been able to produce incredibly large businesses with massive amounts of potential for the future, but... Read more
Banking Within the Legal Cannabis Industry
The cannabis industry has been booming for some time now, but the market has also been deeply affected in the U.S. by the federal regulations which do not allow for cannabis companies to have access to basic financial services. This could however, all be changing in the near future... Read more
PNTV Shareholders Update: Player’s Network Discusses Updated Investor Presentation
$PNTV CEO Mark Bradley & Director Brett H. Pojunis Discusses Updated Investor Presentation. Players Network Discusses Updated Investor Presentation Player’s Network, Inc. (OTCQB:PNTV), a cannabis holding company, announced they have published a new Investor Presentation and will be publishing an accompanying video. PNTV published their updated Investor Presentation which... Read more
Florida Cannabis Market Continues to Grow
The cannabis market throughout the U.S. has grown with tremendous ferocity over the course of the past several years. With states choosing to legalize the use of cannabis for medical or recreational purposes all the time, it seems as though this is the era for legal marijuana. One of... Read more
How Is Legal Marijuana Impacting Canada
Big news came out of Canada recently as the country decided to unanimously legalize the use of recreational cannabis nationwide. This effort is the first time that a G7 nation has done this on a national level, and many are excited to see how it will play out. With... Read more
The Marijuana Industries Top Competitors
The cannabis industry has remained extremely lucrative for the vast majority of those who have gotten in at this point, but with new regulation and businesses sprouting every day, it seems as though this is only the beginning of the massive growth of this market. Many companies have found... Read more
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