A prestigious science award has been given to a man who created a new generative AI language model capable of identifying the exact chemical structure of designer drugs, even drugs that have not been tested on humans yet.  The winning entry for the 2023 NOMIS & Science Young Explorer... Read more
Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine called on state legislators to amend and whittle down the provisions of Issue 2, the law voters in the state just approved, before the bill takes effect on Dec. 7. And since Issue 2 is a citizen initiative, Ohio lawmakers could lawfully make changes... Read more
A key Wyoming legislative committee last week voted to advance a bill that would ban hemp products with substances that have psychoactive properties such as delta-8 THC, despite reservations from some members of the panel that the bill has shortcomings. The bill, which seeks to ban psychoactive hemp products,... Read more
Mid-November Pot Stock Picks: Why Green Thumb and Glass House Brands Deserve Your Attention
Cannabis Bulls: Top US Marijuana Stocks Blaze a Trail with Strong Weekly Gains
NASA is taking steps to prepare for future long-term occupation on the Moon by seeking input from the lunar and scientific communities on ways to convert lunar soil and other naturally-occurring compounds into oxygen.  The nation’s leading space organization made an announcement Monday asking for input on In-situ Resource Utilization... Read more
The Canada Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs held a press conference on Nov. 8 to talk about its newest report on psychedelic-assisted therapy. Entitled “The Time is Now: Granting equitable access to psychedelic-assisted therapies,” the report calls for “immediately launch and fund a large-scale research program on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy... Read more
Researchers in Italy have found evidence that cannabis was used by residents of Milan hundreds of years ago by studying bones from a 17th-century cemetery. In a report on the research, the scientists surmise that weed was likely used recreationally, noting that hospital records from the time do not... Read more
Green Harvest Prospects: Top Marijuana Penny Stocks to Watch in November 2023
Last evening, voters in Ohio approved a ballot proposal, Issue 2, to legalize adult-use cannabis, trouncing voters in opposition to the measure. Last night’s outcome makes Ohio the 24th state to allow adult-cannabis, 14 of which have done so by way of a public vote.  Per the new legislation,... Read more
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