A Reuters investigation found that raids on suspected fentanyl labs by the Mexican government have almost exclusively targeted inactive labs. Pressure from the United States on Mexico to curb the massive flow of fentanyl coming into our country from theirs has led to a dramatic increase in raids on... Read more
The number of legal cannabis retailers has exploded in North America the last decade, but that hasn’t resulted in easier access for kids. That is the takeaway from newly published survey data that examined perceptions of cannabis among youth in Canada. “Very little research has examined how perceptions of... Read more
The supporters of a proposed citizen’s initiative that would allow Florida medical marijuana patients to cultivate cannabis at home have ended their efforts to place the measure on the ballot for the 2024 general election. The home cultivation campaign withdrew its initiative petition late last month after failing to... Read more
A new report projects that the global recreational marijuana market will nearly double over the next four years, with legal sales of adult-use cannabis climbing to almost $50 billion per year by 2027. The report, from U.K.-based cannabis data, media and tech company Prohibition Partners, credits global momentum in... Read more
On Dec. 22, President Joe Biden announced that he will be expanding his pardon initiative to include offenses that occurred on federal properties. “America was founded on the principle of equal justice under law. Elected officials on both sides of the aisle, faith leaders, civil rights advocates, and law... Read more