A California bill that was introduced last month as a minor technical fix to an existing law protecting workers from employment discrimination over legal marijuana use was substantially amended in committee this week with new section that would roll back the protections for various categories of workers, including those... Read more
The Marijuana Stocks Could See A Rise This Week
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown (D-OH) says passing marijuana banking reform legislation this year is a “high priority,” reiterating his support as congressional attention shifts from funding the government to other outstanding legislative items. In a brief interview with AskAPol on Thursday, Brown was asked about the Secure... Read more
“Approximately 70 percent of the labels reported THC percentages more than 15 percent higher than what was quantified through the lab.” By Anna Schwabe, University of Colorado Boulder Cannabis flower sold in Colorado claims to contain much more tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, than it actually does, according to my findings... Read more
A Nebraska legislative committee has given preliminary approval to a bill that would tax hemp and CBD products in the state at a whopping 100 percent rate. The cannabis product tax hike is part of legislation designed to bring in more money to state coffers to offset property tax... Read more
Top Marijuana Stocks For Trading This Week
The governor of Indiana has signed a bill that includes provisions to fund clinical research trials on the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin. Gov. Eric Holcomb (R) approved the legislation, which broadly focuses on health care issues, but which was amended to add the psychedelics language, last week. The reform... Read more
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is asking people to show their support for a marijuana banking bill by signing a petition as he steps up his push for the legislation. In a new email about the effort, he also reiterated his support for comprehensive federal cannabis legalization. With... Read more
An Illinois Senate committee held a hearing on Thursday to discuss a bill to legalize psilocybin and allow regulated access at service centers in the state where adults could use the psychedelic in a supervised setting—with plans to expand the program to include mescaline, ibogaine and DMT. The legislation... Read more
SNDL Inc. (SNDL) Reports Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2023 Financial and Operational Results
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