MORE Act Headed For Vote, SAFE Banking Still In Play
Marijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
Former GM plant tapped for hemp decortication in Texas
Industrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
Brazilian cannabis advocates, critics attend virtual hearing on draft cultivation law
Industrial Hemp NewsInternational NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
California bill to allow hemp CBD-infused products fails
Industrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
INTERVIEW: Germany’s Sanity Group prepares to launch new CBD lobby group
FeaturedIndustrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
Vermont CBD retailer accused of bilking hemp farmers of at least $150,000
Industrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
Farm equipment exec joins National Hemp Association board
Industrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
Looming Congress vote would eliminate THC line between hemp, marijuana
Industrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics September 1, 2020 0
USDA lawyer: Hemp growers have ‘a little bit of leeway’ on THC testing, but not much
FeaturedIndustrial Hemp NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics August 31, 2020 0
Australia’s Ecofibre’s purchase of US partner will support hemp facemask supply chain
Industrial Hemp NewsInternational NewsMarijuana Laws, Regulations, & Politics August 28, 2020 0