by John Serrantino, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of EzHire Cannabis Why it is critical to “Always Be Recruiting” in the cannabis industry and how to do it. The cannabis industry is primed for unprecedented growth in the coming months. Today posting a job can yield thousands of candidates... Read more
Pennsylvania-based Intrinsic Capital Partners says it raised $102 million in a fund that will invest in science and technology businesses focused on the legal hemp and marijuana industries. “We believe this is … a rare opportunity to invest in a space where there’s tremendous underlying demand, a strong industrywide... Read more
The sale of hemp flower in Italy has been connected with a decrease in sales of several types of medications, suggesting that some patients chose to dump their prescription drugs in favor of self-medication with an unregulated CBD-based therapy, research by a trio of economists shows. A new study... Read more
The board chairman of GenGanna Global, a Kentucky hemp and CBD company that went bankrupt, diverted more than $4 million in cash and benefits to his hemp company, according to a lawsuit. A lawsuit filed by OGGUSA Inc., GenCanna’s new name since the bulk of its assets were sold,... Read more
By Pam Donner, COO of High Point Jewelry It’s autumn, and that means where I live, the temperatures have dropped from an insufferable 110 to a pleasant 85 degrees. In other parts of the country, leaves are turning color, the nights have turned chilly, and change is in the... Read more
Researchers from seven universities and federal laboratories want to hear from hemp and cannabis growers throughout North America to help identify production issues, and research and outreach needs associated with producing specialty crops in soilless substrates. The researchers, recipients of a federal planning grant from the U.S. Department of... Read more
Wisconsin agriculture officials say hemp cultivation in the state will continue under the 2014 Farm Bill pilot program after the federal government extended the legislation’s authority for another year. Thursday’s announcement clarifies confusion over what regulations the state needed to follow because Wisconsin submitted a cultivation plan under 2018... Read more
The United Kingdom market for CBD edibles is less than six months away from a radical upheaval, but Gavin Ogilvie isn’t worried. Starting April 1, no CBD product on the U.K. market will be allowed to stay there without validation by food-safety authorities, and Ogilvie’s company – the Manchester-based... Read more
As the hemp industry matures, some business are starting to rely on blockchain technology to assure customers that the products they’re buying contain what’s advertised and information on where they originated. Track-and-trace systems are nothing new in states with medical or recreational marijuana that are required by law to... Read more
By Josh Holleb, Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Ceres Greenhouse Solutions What if the highest performing cultivation facility isn’t the most expensive? The highest producing cultivation facility is probably the most expensive, right? Highly productive and efficient cultivation facilities can be more financially accessible than you may think. Rebates and... Read more