A Pennsylvania district attorney and gun rights advocates have filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to overturn the ban preventing medical marijuana patients from buying and possessing firearms—the latest in a series of legal challenges to the policy. Warren County, Pennsylvania District Attorney Robert Greene, a registered medical... Read more
The Justice Department has asked a federal court to dismiss a cannabis industry lawsuit that seeks to block the enforcement of marijuana prohibition against state-legal activity—in part, it says, because the court should not get ahead of a possible cannabis rescheduling decision that’s being considered. In a document filed... Read more
Sales of adult-use marijuana in Missouri set a new monthly record in December, capping off total cannabis sales for all of 2023 amounting to more than $1.3 billion. Recreational cannabis purchases last month totaled $106.5 million, shattering the state’s previous $98.7 million record set in July. Since cannabis sales... Read more
The Justice Department says it will be requesting that a federal court dismiss a cannabis industry lawsuit that seeks to block the enforcement of marijuana prohibition against state-legal activity. In a document filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Western Division on Monday, DOJ advised that... Read more
DeSantis: legal marijuana on FL ballot; OH gov wants legal sales; Congress’s cannabis & guns report; USDA hemp survey; German legalization; MO sales Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning. It’s the best way to make sure you know which cannabis stories are shaping the... Read more
DeSantis & Haley on marijuana; Fed study: teen use down after legalization; CA & NV psychedelics; Banking push; Regulators talk cannabis equity Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning. It’s the best way to make sure you know which cannabis stories are shaping the day.... Read more
Ohio’s governor says the state’s current marijuana law—under which it is now legal for adults to grow, possess and consume but with no place to purchase regulated cannabis—has created a “goofy situation” and “real mess” in light of the fact that retailers aren’t expected to open for business until... Read more
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is sending out thousands of surveys to hemp farmers across the country to better understand the state of the industry as part of its annual data collection initiative. USDA launched its first annual survey in 2021, and it updated the questionnaire last year before... Read more
“It’s a bipartisan bill that supports Montana values and benefits Montanans all across our great state.” By Darrell Ehrlick, Daily Montanan The Montana governor has the power to veto legislation, and the Montana Legislature has the power to override those vetoes, things that a Lewis and Clark County district... Read more
“Though symbolically important, the president’s general pardon for simple marijuana possession and related offenses was destined to have a marginal impact.” By Erik Luna, Arizona State University & Weldon Angelos, The Weldon Project On October 6, 2022, President Joe Biden issued a historic general pardon for all previous crimes... Read more
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