DEA agent fired for CBD gets job back; WA homegrow; OH legalization rules; Yellen on marijuana use; OR interstate cannabis suit dropped Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning. It’s the best way to make sure you know which cannabis stories are shaping the day.... Read more
Twelve senators are calling on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to fully legalize cannabis and answer questions about the agency’s ongoing scheduling review. In a letter sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram on Monday, the lawmakers—led by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and John Fetterman... Read more
“FDA’s approach to nicotine vape approvals serves as a stark reminder of why we must have the right regulatory framework and oversight.” By Douglas Fischer, Advanced Vapor Devices A recent Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opinion on vaping sheds light on why federal cannabis legalization must be accompanied... Read more
“While the state’s coffers continue to benefit from years of excessive revenue surpluses, and a property-tax increase is not needed at the state level, I realize some local governments are in desperate need of additional revenue.” By Randy Bracht, The Center Square Problem: Local governments in Washington state say... Read more
Ahead of a hearing on a bill to legalize marijuana possession in Ireland, a government-appointed citizen commission has released a report formalizing recommendations to stop criminalizing people over drugs—a policy position that the country’s prime minister says holds merit. About three months after the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use... Read more
Maryland lawmakers are considering a new proposal to create a task force to study and make specific recommendations about the best path forward to legalize and regulate certain psychedelics. The bill from Del. Guy Guzzone (D) and five cosponsors would establish a “Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural... Read more
Newly introduced legislation in Hawaii would create explicit legal protections around the therapeutic use of psilocybin, with eligible patients able to possess and consume the psychedelic under a trained facilitator’s care. The measure is the result of a task force on breakthrough therapies that was formed last year to... Read more
A Senate proposal to legalize commercial sales of marijuana in Virginia has passed a key hurdle, clearing the Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services in a 10–5 vote on Friday morning. The bill needs to advance quickly through additional committees in the coming weeks in order to stay alive... Read more
The governor of New York says she’s “very fed up with how long it is taking” to expand the state’s recreational marijuana market with more licensed businesses, revealing that she recently urged regulators to “go back to the drawing board” to approve hundreds of new retailers. Tensions are high... Read more
“I’m here in open-mouth amazement that we are still discussing passing a medical marijuana bill… The same rhetoric from opponents and legislators. We’re just like this little island.” By Tim Carpenter, Kansas Reflector Delaney Jones’s grandmother, a survivor of European concentration camps during the Holocaust of World War II,... Read more