Tubi recently announced its first-ever star-studded original animated series, The Freak Brothers, based on the cult classic underground comic series that documented counterculture lifestyle since the ’60s. The first two episodes are set to debut on Tubi this weekend on Sunday, November 14. Tubi shared an uncensored version of... Read more
Will The DEA Reschedule Cocaine Before Marijuana? Find Out More
Highlighting the death of a state trooper who was killed by a motorist who had THC detected in their blood, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker is renewing his effort to combat stoned driving. Baker, a Republican serving his second term as governor of the Commonwealth, announced Wednesday that his administration... Read more
Decrying “over a century of failed and racist cannabis policies,” Elizabeth Warren and a pair of other Democratic senators are urging President Joe Biden to use his executive authority to “pardon all individuals convicted of nonviolent cannabis offenses, whether formerly or currently incarcerated.” Warren, the senior senator from Massachusetts,... Read more
Cannabis regulators in New Jersey announced this week that the state would begin accepting applications for marijuana business licenses next month, more than a year after voters in the state legalized recreational pot in the 2020 general election. At a meeting of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC)... Read more
Hemp could be the building material that accelerates the sustainable industry. The year 2020 marked a devastating time period for myriad reasons. Among the pantheon of pain was the immense damage brought on by natural disasters. In early 2021, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its billion-dollar... Read more
Last week, NPR TV critic and adjunct professor at Duke University Eric Deggans hosted a Twitter Spaces discussion on Hulu’s Dopesick—asking hard questions such as whether or not Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family are responsible for their roles in the opioid crisis. The Sackler family’s private company Purdue... Read more
2 Marijuana Stocks For This Months Watchlist
Home grows are the grassroots of the cannabis reform movement. Therefore with legalization, many advocates and patients believe it’s essential for individuals to have a right to cultivate their own plants, especially in a regulated market. High Times dives into the pervasiveness of companies that oppose home grows and... Read more
A Republican lawmaker in Ohio wants to expand the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in the state. Steve Huffman, a state senator in the Buckeye State, introduced a bill on Tuesday that his office said would make “significant improvements to the medical marijuana program in Ohio.” The... Read more
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