Culture – MJ Shareholders The Ultimate Marijuana Business Directory Fri, 21 Apr 2023 00:45:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 These Luxury Marijuana Accessories Are Worth Their High Price Fri, 21 Apr 2023 00:45:30 +0000 Whether you’re an old-school flower smoker or dabble in the vast world of concentrates, these luxury marijuana accessories will make any session a grand event.

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The world of cannabis accessories has exploded over recent years, and enthusiasts have never had so many ways to take their experience to the next level. We’ll give you the best accessories worthy of breaking the bank.

Whether you’re an old-school flower smoker or dabble in the vast world of concentrates, these items will make any session a grand event. 

Gold Everything

What better way to indulge in the finer things than adding gold to your collection? Grinders are essential for proper flower smoking, and a gold shell grinder provides an upscale look while getting your grind on. Gold rolling papers and wraps will turn any joint or blunt into the fanciest thing you’ve ever smoked. And before you burn your fingertips, bust out a 14-karat gold roach clip to bring some flash to the end of your smoke. Try adding gold dab tools to your stash kit if you’re into concentrates. These tools will add a little flair to your concentrate prep.

Stash Boxes

Specialized containers for storing your Cannabis have become elaborate over recent years and are a must-own for any marijuana enthusiast. Cannador has taken the classic cigar humidor and made the best stash box for keeping your flower fresh. They offer smaller containers to fit two strains or splurge and get a nine-strain monster. With built-in drawers and options for pre-rolls, every flower user should invest in one of these.

If you like more variety and a personal touch, Edie Parker offers designer stash boxes and jars with customization options. These boxes aren’t to be hidden in the closet, however. With sleek designs and beautiful engraving, you’ll want to display these pieces all over your home.

These Luxury Marijuana Accessories Are Worth Their High Price
Photo: Ivan Stajkovic via 123RF

High-End Smoking

Luxury smoking pieces have flooded the market, and there’s a perfect option for any taste. From pipes and bongs to dab rigs and e-nails, if you’re willing to pay the price, you can make your next session an extravagant affair.

Summerland in San Francisco creates designer bongs and pipes that are sure to be the talk of the toke. Their ceramic bongs look more like expensive flower vases and with a quarter turn, might even pass for one on your shelf. Their apple-shaped Fruit Fantasy pipes add a fun element while maintaining a classy, elegant aesthetic. Each item is hand-crafted and easily doubles as an art piece when you’re not using it.

As vaping has grown in popularity, an old classic has reemerged as one of the best ways to enjoy your weed. A high-quality vaporizer will set you back a bit but remains one of the best ways to vape and cleanly inhale your flower. 

Possibly the fastest-growing segment in smoking is e-nails for vaping concentrates. E-nails heat the nail on dabbing rigs and many versions offer technology that allows you to set a certain temperature.

With so many incredible options available, budgets of any size can upgrade their cannabis experience and enjoy a life of luxury while they’re at it. From gold-plated possibilities to the latest technology in vaping, adding an upscale piece will give you a high-end experience every time you light up.

Explore the High Life With These 3 Cannabis-Themed Road Trips Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:45:10 +0000 There is no shortage of great cannabis-themed road trip ideas you can pitch to your friends. We think this is a good start.

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As legalization spreads across the U.S. like wildfire, planning a cannabis-centered road trip has never been easier. Missouri and Maryland voters approved adult-use, or recreational, plant sales in the November 2022 elections, bringing the total number of legal states and territories to 23. And nearly every state has legalized medical cannabis to some degree, with the sole exceptions being Idaho, Wyoming, Kansas, and South Carolina.

And because some of those medical states have only authorized the prescription of low-THC cannabis oil, we haven’t reached the point that would allow for a coast-to-coast road trip with cannabis flower or concentrates in the trunk of your car—yet.

With that in mind, we chose three cannabis road trip ideas that, if performed responsibly, will be totally legal (and fun). Our only criteria were that these destinations:

  1. Are adult-use states (with one exception)
  2. Are states that neighbor other weed-friendly states
  3. Have interesting attractions that go beyond cannabis tourism

Here we go:

Destination 1: Four Corners

The Four Corners Monument once had only one real claim to fame: It was the only location in the U.S. where a traveler could go and stand in four states—and two Indigenous tribal territories—at the same time. 

Today, the Colorado-based monument can also boast that all four of those states are legal weed states. That’s right: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah have regulated cannabis programs. Here’s where that exception kicks in: Utah is technically a medical-only state, while the other three states have thriving adult-use programs. 

Tip: Be respectful. Because the Navajo Nation, which technically operates the monument, is strongly opposed to cannabis legalization, and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe is on the fence about the whole thing, don’t go to the monument expecting to spark up a joint. 

Instead, take a 40-minute drive northeast to Cortez, Colorado, and visit The Doobie Sisters Recreational Dispensary, which boasts that it’s “Montezuma County’s high-end recreational cannabis store,” and is owned and operated by three sisters.

Explore the High Life With These 3 Cannabis-Themed Road Trips
Photo: Alessandro Biascioli via 123RF

Destination 2: The East Coast and New England

It’s been a long slog, but the states that many think of when they think “East Coast” have finally opened up their adult-use programs and are either fully operational or likely will be in 2023. 

New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut have transitioned from medical-only to adult-use sales. And the entirety of New England — with the sole exception of New Hampshire, the Live Free or Die state — has adult-use programs.

Eat an edible and visit Lady Liberty; satisfy your munchies at Boston’s oldest (and most famous) restaurant, Union Oyster House (but make a reservation for both). Or try the “ethical dog sledding” experience in Eden Mills, Vermont, blazed. 

There is no shortage of things to do up and down the weed-friendly Atlantic coastline — it will be a road trip you’ll likely never forget.

Destination 3: California Wine Country

Go where the legalization movement began — and enjoy plenty of wine tastings along the way. California was the first state to legalize medical cannabis when voters approved the Compassionate Use Act nearly 30 years ago.

But before legal weed, the Spanish Franciscan Missionaries began planting vineyards in the 18th century (for communion, of course).

Now, as we all know, California is famous the world over for both its fine cannabis and its fine wines.

The number of wineries in Napa Valley alone beats 450, and there is no shortage of adult-use dispensaries in the region.

But be careful: It’s believed that mixing cannabis and alcohol can amplify the effects of one or both substances, and you absolutely do not want to drive once you’ve begun imbibing. Take advantage of one of the many guided tasting tours—or cruise over Napa Valley and Sonoma high (both literally and figuratively) in a hot-air balloon

Whether you’re in middle America or one of the coasts, there is no shortage of great cannabis-themed road trip ideas you can pitch to your friends. We think this is a good start. As always, be responsible: Don’t drive high, and keep your stash in the vehicle’s trunk, out of the driver’s and passengers’ reach.

From Flop to Fave: 5 Fascinating Facts About the Marijuana Propaganda Film ‘Reefer Madness’ Thu, 06 Apr 2023 10:44:41 +0000 Would "Reefer Madness" be the cannabis cultural touchstone it is today without its sensational name? Here are five interesting facts.

The post From Flop to Fave: 5 Fascinating Facts About the Marijuana Propaganda Film ‘Reefer Madness’ appeared first on The Cannifornian.

Before President Richard Nixon declared the “war on drugs,” before First Lady Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign, and before the infamous “this is your brain on drugs” TV ad featuring an egg and a skillet, there was “Reefer Madness.”

A church group produced the 1936 American propaganda film to warn people about the purported dangers of cannabis. It was just one part of a concerted effort in the 1930s to criminalize cannabis and other narcotics. 

But despite its original intent, the film has since become known for its campy, false, and over-the-top portrayal of the plant’s supposed effects on young people. 

It’s become a prominent and influential piece of American media, though not for the reasons its producers hoped. In fact, “reefer madness” is often used today as a sort of shorthand for any messaging or actions against drug use seen as hysterical, unnecessary, or false.

Here are five interesting facts about “Reefer Madness” that you may not know:

The original title of the film was “Tell Your Children.” 

Would “Reefer Madness” be the cannabis cultural touchstone it is today without its sensational name? We’ll never know. You have to admit, though, that it’s a much catchier title than the original one French-American film director Louis J. Gasnier gave it. 

“Tell Your Children” was the name of the small church group that financed the film—and the inspiration for its title.

That quickly changed when husband-and-wife exploitation filmmakers and distributors Dwain and Hildagarde Esper bought the film (though Dwain was the face of the operation). They recut the film, adding more bawdy scenes, and renamed it “Reefer Madness” for a more salacious vibe.

“Reefer Madness” was a flop—and the founder of NORML rediscovered it decades later.

The Espers distributed the new cut on the exploitation film circuit under different names, like “The Burning Question,” where it performed pretty poorly and was quickly shelved.

Around 1970, the film was rediscovered by the founder of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws — an advocacy group still influential today. In 1973, founder Keith Stroup told The New York Times that NORML had attained the rights to distribute the film, which by then was seen as humorous and ironic. The film grossed about $100,000 through showings in about 20 cities on college campuses and traditional theaters, Stroup said.

Today, the film is in the public domain.

Dorothy Short as Mary Lane- Photo: By Louis J. Gasnier – From film Reefer Madness at Internet Archive, Public Domain,

True crimes likely inspired the “Reefer Madness” sensationalism.

There was a strong pro-prohibitionist movement in the 1930s, primarily led by anti-pot crusader Harry Anslinger, the first head of the newly created Federal Bureau of Narcotics, in 1930. The FBN enlisted self-proclaimed cannabis experts to convince the public (and juries) that marijuana use led to violent crime.

But it was an actual ax murder of five in Tampa, Florida, that supposedly served as the true inspiration for “Reefer Madness.” 

Florida man Victor Licata killed both of his parents and all three of his siblings with the crude weapon in 1933, purportedly while in a cannabis-created delirium. That latter false belief gave him the nickname “Dream Slayer” and provided leaders like Anslinger the ammunition they needed to criminalize cannabis.

A film called “Madness,” based on more than a decade of research into these killings and their impact on American drug policy, is being produced by Florida native Devin Muller, who wrote and is directing it. The COVID-19 pandemic held up the film’s production.

“Reefer Madness” has established itself as a pop-culture staple.

From references in stoner-buddy flicks like “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle” to made-for-TV musical remakes starring Kristen Bell, there is no doubt that this small-budget exploitation flick has had a big impact on American culture—for better or worse.

Scientific research has widely debunked the film’s portrayal of cannabis as a dangerous and deadly substance.

Despite decades of prohibition on federally funded research, scientists and researchers are finding that weed is the safest of all drugs used recreationally. Experts and regular citizens are regularly discovering its medical benefits as legalization sweeps the nation. Two more states adopted adult-use cannabis programs in the November 2022 elections, and the movement shows no signs of slowing down. 

Common Cannabis-Infused Products and How to Use Them Wed, 15 Mar 2023 18:45:04 +0000 Cannabis-infused products are easily accessible in many states and come in a wide variety that allows just about anyone to find something that works for them.

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The explosion of cannabis-infused products and the growing industry that attracts millions of dollars in spending and investment every year mean an increasingly diverse set of cannabis products. You can experience them in various ways and with many different benefits and guidelines for use.

It can be a little bit overwhelming to navigate the vast world of cannabis-infused products, but with a few basics and general advice, you can find a product that works for you and use it safely.

Choosing the Right Cannabis-Infused Product

First, you should decide what kind of effect you’re seeking from cannabis products. Different types of cannabinoids impact the body differently, so you might want to try out a few different products and see which one you prefer. The two most common cannabinoids are THC and CBD. In general, choose a product with THC if you’re looking to experience the psychoactive effects that people usually have in mind when they think of marijuana. A CBD product is the better choice if you want to experience the anxiety or pain-reducing effects without affecting your mental state. Both of these cannabinoids can be found in an assortment of edibles, infusions, and other products.


Perfect for chocoholics, cannabis-infused chocolates typically kick in relatively quickly, in about 30 minutes to two hours after consumption. Producers make them by combining chocolate with THC or CBD extracts for an even dosing experience that remains predictable.


Similar in process and effectiveness to cannabis chocolates but great for those who prefer a fruity sweet treat to a chocolatey one, gummies are an excellent alternative for those seeking an easy way to dose THC or CBD.

Baked Goods

Made by infusing butter or oil with cannabis, baked goods come in a wide variety, including brownies, cookies, cakes, granola bars, and more. These products come in varying sizes, which means that their total cannabis content differs as well. It’s critical to pay attention to the milligrams of THC present in each product and eat an appropriate amount for your tolerance. Baked goods can take a little longer to take effect, which can fool people into ingesting more than they should. Be patient and take it slow to safely enjoy the best of these decadent products.

Common Cannabis-Infused Products and How to Use Them
Photo: Inna Dodor via 123RF

Beverage Additives

If you’re not a big snacker, you might prefer a THC or CBD beverage or beverage additives. These products offer precise dosing with minimal calories and sugar, but as with edibles, you should carefully inspect the product’s labels to determine how much you should consume at once. Because cannabis is insoluble in water, it is made through new emulsification technologies that allows cannabis to be effectively mixed with liquid. Beverage additives are more concentrated versions, allowing you to add them to whatever drink you like (in measured amounts) and make your own cannabis beverage!


Dabs go by many names, including shatter, resin, honeycomb, and more. Simply put, they are a highly concentrated form of cannabis that is made from leftover pieces of the cannabis plant that remain after the larger flowers are used. Producers extract a concentrate using butane, creating a product known as butane hash oil. Users can then smoke or vaporize it. These products typically result in a more intense experience than other cannabis-infused products, and you should use them with caution. Do your research before experimenting with dabs to make sure you’re taking them correctly and in the right amounts for you.

Cannabis-infused products are easily accessible in many states and come in a wide variety that allows just about anyone to find something that works for them. With some research and sampling, you can determine which type of cannabinoid you’re looking for and what the best delivery method is for you. If you’re new to cannabis, take it slow and figure out the best dosages in the products that interest you.

A Comprehensive Look at Cannabis Words and Their Meanings Thu, 02 Mar 2023 20:45:30 +0000 With so many people using cannabis in various forms, references and terms are constantly changing and expanding. However, these terms should help with navigating how people use and discuss cannabis.

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Almost 150 million people around the world consume cannabis, according to the World Health Organization. With its rising popularity comes new vocabulary for many people.

To help navigate, here are several cannabis words, their meanings, and their origins.


Marijuana is one of the most commonly recognized terms for cannabis. The term comes from the Spanish “marihuana” and generally refers to the cannabis plant when used as a drug.

Some activists are pushing for updated terminology in laws and discourse after a history of government officials using the term “marijuana” to pin drug abuse issues on people of color. For example, in the 1930s, Federal Bureau of Narcotics director Harry Anslinger said that most marijuana smokers were people of color and that “their Satanic music, jazz and swing, results from marijuana use,” according to Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

Mary Jane

Mary Jane is a slang term for marijuana, and, like the word marijuana, its use in different languages is widespread.

“Some Spanish smokers refer to the herb simply as ‘Maria,’ while the French sometimes call it ‘Marie Jeanne,’” according to lifestyle company Merry Jane.

The term was celebrated with a different spelling in a 2007 song, “Merry Jane,” by Redman, Snoop Dogg, and Nate Dogg.


While most people know a weed is an unwanted plant in gardens, it may have accidentally become a synonym for cannabis after being associated with a Mexican plant called “locoweed.”

“This word was sometimes used interchangeably with marijuana in late 19th century Mexico, so when stories about marijuana started to make their way to the U.S. the two plants got conflated,” according to NPR.

In recent years, “weed” has gained popularity as the go-to term for casually referring to cannabis, according to Google Trends.

A Comprehensive Look at Cannabis Words and Their Meanings
Photo: tsareva via 123RF


While dank refers to somewhere musty and damp, it also is a word for good cannabis. Dank first appeared in Urban Dictionary in 2003, according to Weedmaps. Its meaning has evolved from “sticky, hairy, stinky, and highly potent marijuana” to quality cannabis.

“Consumers today ask for dank weed when they want a strain with an unmistakable, pungent, gassy aroma and a high-potency experience,” according to Weedmaps.


Hemp is a cannabis plant used for its fibers, edible seeds, and oil, according to Merriam-Webster. Some scholars believe the term “hemp” has been used since ancient times, when people in ancient Egypt, China, Greece, and the Roman Empire used cannabis as medicine, according to the National Library of Medicine

As a fiber, hemp is considered an eco-friendly alternative to cotton because cultivating it requires less water, land, and pesticide use, according to the Hemp Foundation


The bud of the cannabis plant is the flower. Female cannabis plants produce the flower used for psychotropic and medicinal uses, according to Weedhub. Male cannabis plants don’t create a consumable flower and are useful only for reproduction.


A possible side effect of cannabis use is a heavy body sensation that leaves a person sitting without moving. This intoxicated feeling is called being stoned, which means “not behaving or thinking normally because of the effects of a drug,” according to Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries.


The term “getting high” has roots in the 1620s, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary. Many use the word “high” to mean euphoric or exhilarating. Similar to the term “stoned,” it was initially used in reference to alcohol consumption. Many experts have their own theories about how and when the term began to reference the effects of cannabis consumption. 


The origins of cannabis’ symbolic number can be traced to 1971, according to Snopes. A group of friends found a map leading to a cannabis crop in San Francisco, where they would meet after school at 4:20. They smoked weed and searched for the mystery crop. The friends referred to their meetup with the code 420. Eventually, The Grateful Dead band members started using the term, which then spread to fans. 

With so many people using cannabis in various forms, references and terms are constantly changing and expanding. However, these terms should help with navigating how people use and discuss cannabis.

A Look at the Growing Field of Craft Cannabis Sun, 29 Jan 2023 18:45:08 +0000 Craft cannabis is a distinct type of marijuana that expert farmers grow on small-scale farms using world-class cultivation techniques and plant nutrients.

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Craft cannabis is a distinct type of marijuana that expert farmers grow on small-scale farms using world-class cultivation techniques and plant nutrients.

The demand for this superior cannabis continues to grow as consumers across the board prefer fresh products such as craft beer and organic food.

These high-end buds are higher in price compared to regular cannabis. However, here’s why paying a little extra for top-notch quality is well worth it.


Each craft cannabis batch requires a small, dedicated team of farmers. Each plant requires individual attention to maintain the plant’s quality. These farmers shape and feed each cannabis plant-based on the strain. As it grows, they focus on maximizing its flower size, total yield, and euphoric effects.

The cannabis farms are a live environment and share a common problem, pests. They can damage crops, but these farmers use proven organic methods to control them.

With their consumers in mind, they emphasize clean and healthy growing techniques. That helps keep the facility clean and avoids the use of pesticides or chemicals.

Craft cannabis offers a choice that guarantees premium quality bud with a flavor difference you can taste compared to mass-produced weed.

Quality comes from farmers who meet the demands of cannabis from start to finish. After it is harvested, the stems and sugars leaves are hand-trimmed from the buds, maintaining the hands-on quality that makes the cannabis decidedly “craft.” In contrast, many major marijuana distributors process commercial weed through machines.

Photo: parilov via 123RF
Photo: parilov via 123RF

Is it Similar to Craft Beer?

There are many parallels between craft cannabis and craft beer.

Businesses in both industries emphasize that their products are “hand-made.” They also value resource management and practice sustainable methods, which is apparent in their attention to detail in their products, operations, and environmental impact.

Each industry relies on a devoted consumer base as craft businesses typically can’t mass-produce products in the same way major companies do. This makes the relationship between customers and businesses much more important.

That means the businesses typically give a more quality level of care to their products and can adapt to their customers’ evolving tastes, crafting a relationship that’s representative of the industry.

Where Do I Find It?

Finding a craft cannabis business in your area may require some research. Typically, craft cannabis is grown in smaller facilities and sold in local businesses.

Smaller cannabis cultivators, rather than chains, may be the best place to start.

Remember, true craft cannabis is “hand-made” throughout the cultivation cycle, meaning it’s hand-dried, hand-trimmed, and hand-packed.

Crafted cannabis should be rich in terpenes. According to WINK Cannabis, much of what you see on the craft market is cannabis with high terpene percentages, between 2-5%, that looks and smells amazing.

Remember, quality takes time and energy, which can raise costs for consumers. However, craft cannabis is the best cannabis on the market, and you get what you pay for.

As legalization continues to open up more markets, this niche field within the cannabis industry will likely continue to grow. Scope out dispensaries near you and consider making your dollar go further by purchasing top-notch quality.

Enjoy Your Favorite Activities More with These Marijuana Strains Sat, 14 Jan 2023 18:45:22 +0000 Many people are using cannabis’ increase in recreational and medical to enhance their lives and enjoy favorite activities more.

The post Enjoy Your Favorite Activities More with These Marijuana Strains appeared first on The Cannifornian.

Many people are using cannabis’ increase in recreational and medical to enhance their lives. About 50 million people reported using cannabis in the past year, according to a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey.

Growers generally create cannabis strains by breeding varieties based on their terpene profiles, which affect their psychoactive properties and drive consumer preference. Terpene profiles influence effects such as energy levels and mental clarity. 

Below are suggested strains to pair with some of your favorite activities. 

Head Out for a Night on the Town

Super Silver Haze is an excellent choice for a night out on the town.  Users report this strain will enhance your experiences by giving you an energy boost and a body buzz while reducing your weekday stress and social anxiety. 

Users say another benefit of Super Silver Haze is the enhancement of your senses. The club lights will be breathtaking, drinks taste better, and the music immerses you. This is the strain to use before starting an unforgettable night out.


Mixing cannabis and exercise has been increasing in popularity. There are even gyms that promote the practice. pairing exercise with cannabis. The popular Durban Poison strain will likely give you bursts of energy, help you feel clearheaded, and may increase your productivity. This strain is also a popular exercise enhancer because users say it reduces fatigue and boosts motivation. 

“The majority of participants who endorsed using cannabis shortly before/after exercise reported that doing so enhances their enjoyment of and recovery from exercise, and approximately half reported that it increases their motivation to exercise,” according to a study published in Frontiers in Public Health.

Watch a Documentary

If you want a relaxing evening in front of the TV, Cereal Milk may be exactly what you are looking for. Users say this strain will calm your daily stresses while soothing your body and mind. This strain is also known to improve focus, allowing you to absorb information thoughtfully.

Laugh at a Comedy Show

One of the pronounced effects of the Tropicana Cookies strain is that it has been known to cause fits of giggles — which is why it’s an excellent option when seeing a comedian or attending an improv show. Users report this strain also increases your energy while letting you stay focused and level-headed. Because the strain is also a social enhancer, it can make a comedy show with friends even more enjoyable. 

Joyful African American woman lounging on a couch smiling while looking at her laptop.
Photo: milkos via 123RF

Read a Book

There’s no better way to spend a moody evening than with a cozy blanket, a thrilling book, and some cannabis to immerse yourself in the story fully. Gelato may be just the strain for this scenario. Users say Gelato increases your focus, improves mood, relieves stress, and allows your imagination to jump into whatever adventure you are reading. 

Go on a Date

Something as special as blossoming love requires the Unicorn Poop strain. This hybrid strain is perfect for date night because many say it improves conversation, gives you a small bout of giggles, and gently puts your body and mind into a euphoric state.

Cheer on Your Team at a Sporting Event

Sporting events are known for their ice-cold beers, cheering fans, and high energy. The Lemon Cake OG is an excellent addition to your game day checklist. This strain will likely give you all the energy needed to cheer your team to a win. The stimulating buzz accompanying this strain will invigorate your body and mind, adding to the excitement of the competition. While it doesn’t guarantee a win for your team, it can offer fans an exciting experience.

Whatever your plans, consider using a special strain to get you in the right mood to experience each activity to the fullest!

A Guide to Cannabis Wax and “Dabbing” Sun, 18 Dec 2022 16:44:59 +0000 "Dabbing" is all the rage among high-tolerance cannabis consumers. Follow along as we break down some of the more popular cannabis wax subcategories.

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“Dabbing” is all the rage among high-tolerance cannabis consumers. The practice of dabbing is essentially heating a cannabis concentrate — often called a wax — to a very high temperature and then inhaling the smoke. This method can result in consuming cannabis that has a THC level as high as 90%.

Dabbing is known for the strength of its high, flavor, potency, and even the “ritual.” But wax can also be added to cannabis flower and smoked for a milder effect.

And dabbing is not limited to wax. Wax is simply among the more common and popular cannabis concentrates or extractions used in dabbing — and it has several subcategories.

Follow along as we break down some of the more popular wax subcategories — and a few alternative concentrates or extracts that are just as popular.

Cannabis Wax Production, Types

Waxes consist of cannabis plant material that’s leftover after being trimmed and sold as flower. A solvent like butane strips terpenes and cannabinoids from the plant material. This process produces a dense, sticky substance called wax that is exceptionally high in THC and sometimes other cannabinoids.

That wax can come in several forms:

Budder, Badder, or Batter

Earning the label due to its consistency, said to resemble cake batter. It’s thick and dense. It also usually has a golden color that resembles vanilla cake batter. Budder, Badder, and Batter are all accepted terms and spellings within cannabis culture.


Like wax batter, crumble gets its name thanks to its physical characteristics: It is often drier and looser than other popular concentrates. The product is cooked in a vacuum oven for a long time, which helps reduce the risk of contamination by mildew or mold. It’s one of the most potent concentrates — often reaching that 90% THC mark.


Sugar wax is said to have been an “accidental finding” as condensation and other environmental factors turned traditional wax into a concentrate that resembles wet sugar. Its color varies from a light shade of yellow to amber.

Cannabis Wax and "Dabbing"
Photo: Roxana Gonzalez Leyva via 123RF

Other Popular Dabs That Aren’t Wax


Named after its brittle traits — shatter is almost like a glass. It is typically some shade of yellow, and its production, while relatively new, has its roots in the ancient practice of producing hashish. It is cooked in a vacuum oven to make it more pure and crystalline.

Taffy, or Pull ‘n’ Snap

This concentrate is very close to shatter, but may be gooier or stickier due to the manufacturing process.


Diamonds’ solid and crystal-like appearance accounts for the name. They are technically isolates because they are the result of extracting only one cannabinoid (like CBD), as opposed to a concentrate derived from whole plant matter.


Rosin is among the buzziest cannabis concentrates. Rather than using solvents like butane, heat and force of pressure are used to extract concentrated cannabinoids. 

Live Rosin

Fresh cannabis (as opposed to cured) is frozen to manufacture live rosin. It’s then put through an ice-water extraction process and further refined using a press. It’s believed to be the best way to get a “whole plant” experience as none of the cannabinoids or terpenes get extracted in the process.

There’s a burgeoning marketplace of products containing live rosin — from candies to vape cartridges.

So whether you’re consuming budder, badder, batter, sugar, or crumble, you’re technically inhaling a wax. The differences between these concentrates and the others listed can get very complex and technical. Websites like Leafly and merchants like Attis Trading Co. are good places to dive deep into those differences.

Happy dabbing!

Inside the Cannabis Bar Wedding Trend Thu, 17 Nov 2022 10:45:06 +0000 What exactly is a cannabis bar? What should it offer to keep a party light and energized? How do you find a budtender and ensure you're going about the whole thing legally? Let's dive in.

The post Inside the Cannabis Bar Wedding Trend appeared first on The Cannifornian.

Adult-use cannabis is now legal in 19 U.S. states. And it’s driving new trends for a younger generation craving experiential events and fresh takes on traditional functions.

Enter: The wedding cannabis bar.

Anecdotal reports from recreationally-legal cannabis states show that many couples offer their guests cannabis. This can be instead of, or in addition to, the traditional open bar featuring beer, wine, and liquor.

“It grows exponentially each year,” Cat Goldberg, the founder of WeedBar in Los Angeles, told a reporter from Nexstar Media. “People are going to events where they see that people are using cannabis and not drinking alcohol, and they’re like, ‘I want this energy at my wedding.’”

But what exactly is a cannabis bar? What should it offer to keep a party light and energized? How do you find a budtender and ensure you’re going about the whole thing legally? Let’s dive in.

What is a cannabis bar?

A cannabis bar is precisely what it sounds like: A bar area in an event setting that offers legal cannabis products to consenting adults. However, don’t just think of a messy table with a bunch of weed haphazardly strewn across it. Think elegantly rolled joints, delicious infused hors d’oeuvres, decadent desert edibles, and clearly labeled concentrates with high-end hardware for consumption.

What strains of cannabis should I offer to ensure people aren’t falling asleep on the dancefloor?

First, hire a DJ that’ll energize the crowd throughout the night. Once you’ve got that down, start thinking about strains. While it’s easy to think “sativa” since it’s the type of cannabis best known for keeping people energized and creative, many people experience anxiety on pure sativas.

You’ll want to go to a cannabis retail store and talk to a budtender about good hybrids that provide an uplifting but balanced high. 

You can even make sure you have different options and have fun with the theme. Many strains that fall into this category have names easily tied into a wedding event. Think Wedding Cake, which provides euphoria while calming the mind and body. Purple Champagne, another apt choice, is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain that users at the authoritative Leafly database rank as uplifting and energetic.

Where should I get my edibles?

Every major metropolitan area with legal adult-use cannabis should have a licensed bakery specializing in cannabis-infused goods. Google is your friend here. But the keyword is “licensed.” You want to check that you’re providing your guests legal goodies, and that they’re not going to make anybody sick due to poor kitchen practices.

Inside the Cannabis Bar Wedding Trend
Photo: Scott Griessel via 123RF

How much cannabis do I need?

One gram of cannabis is the standard for a traditional joint. That means there are 28 joints in an ounce of cannabis. Assume that most of your guests will share those joints and that, unless you know your friends are true stoners, one joint is enough to get two to three people high. Also, assume that not all of your guests will consume. Planning for one gram of cannabis per guest will likely leave enough for post-honeymoon leftovers (because traveling with cannabis is dangerous).

Pro-tip: Ask for very low-dose edibles (2.5mg should do) to prevent overconsumption.

I need somebody to roll these joints — and a budtender. Help!

Rolling 100 joints is no fun. It would be best if you had somebody who can knowledgeably serve your guests at your wedding so you can focus on the important stuff — like saying your vows.

That’s where you want to bring in a professional. Companies like Weedbar in Los Angeles and Love and Marij in Colorado know local laws and will help you get set up safely and legally.

There’s also a traveling Cannabis Wedding Expo that brings together engaged couples, cannabis brands, and wedding planners to potentially work together.

There are ways to do this yourself without the help of an expert, but cannabis law is complicated and fragmented state by state. For example, a location with a liquor license, like a wedding venue, may not be permitted to host a cannabis bar according to your state’s law. You may need to set up a separate tent on the grounds.

So to avoid risking potential legal action or a lawsuit by an attendee who accidentally consumed too much weed, seek out an experienced company. An established company can mitigate risk and work out the details with your wedding venue, which is likely not used to hosting 420-friendly events. 

Also: Congratulations!

Enhance Your Movie Experience With These 5 Strains Sun, 30 Oct 2022 02:45:48 +0000 Cannabis goes along with the movie theater experience like buttered popcorn, Skittles, and giant cups of Coke.

The post Enhance Your Movie Experience With These 5 Strains appeared first on The Cannifornian.

There are few activities as satisfying as watching a new flick on the big screen — especially now that the world is opening back up and theaters along with it. And cannabis goes along with the movie theater experience like buttered popcorn, Skittles, and giant cups of Coke.

A Miner and Co. Studio survey showed that cannabis users said that consuming the plant increased their interest in whatever they were watching and boosted their attention span.

What strains are best to consume before sitting in that comfy recliner seat you reserved at the local megaplex? Likely a hybrid strain — something that keeps you invested in what you’re watching but also relaxes you so you can chill out to the max.

Here are the top five strains we recommend:


This strain, also known as Gorilla Glue, Original Glue, and simply Glue, is an award-winner known for its euphoric and couch-locking effects (think glue + couch).

“Relaxed” and “hungry” are two of the top effects listed by consumers of the strain according to the authoritative cannabis website and database, Leafly.

This is a versatile option but could be best for a super-hero or action film. 

Blue Dream

Among the most famous hybrid strains, Blue Dream is perfect for the movies thanks to its “cerebral stimulation and full-body relaxation,” as described in Leafly.

“Creative” and “uplifted” are two of the most common user descriptions of the sativa-dominant strain in the Leafly database.

This strain may be best for a plot-twisting mystery or thriller. 


Likely named after the Girl Scout cookies, Do-Si-Dos are an indica-dominant hybrid strain that provide an immediate heavy hit. AllBud describes the high as a: “cerebral rush of euphoric energy…before fading into a happy stoney introspection.” If that doesn’t make you want to take a few hits before you walk into the theater, we don’t know what will.

“Relaxed” and “hungry” are two of the most common feelings reported by Leafly users. This strain is probably best for a “popcorn flick” with plenty of entertainment value but not as thought-provoking.  

Photo: Svitlana Ponurkina via 123RF
Photo: Svitlana Ponurkina via 123RF

Apple Fritter

Like the pastry, this hybrid is reportedly delicious and uplifting but with enough weight to keep you locked to your chair. This strain is probably perfect for a comedy as “relaxed,” “tingly,” and “giggly” are the three top feelings reported by Leafly users.

White Widow

This is another well-known and popular hybrid born in the 1990s.

Wikileaf touts the strain’s “quick-acting cerebral effects.” Adding that users can be “tuned into sounds and patterns that may have gone unnoticed before.” 

“Energetic” and “creative” are two of the top feelings associated with the strain, according to user reports in the Leafly database.

White Widow is probably best for something a little more avant-garde that requires some creative thinking to understand. It makes for great conversation over dinner after the credits roll.

Whether you’re out to catch the latest thriller, romcom, or indie art flick, consider one of these five strains before you sit down and lock yourself in for the ride.

But remember, always consume responsibly — public consumption of cannabis is banned in every legal state, as is driving under the influence. 

May we recommend a ride-hailing service like Lyft or Uber or even a nice walk if you live within a reasonable distance?

Enjoy the show!
