NCIA Today: Episode #3 – Caucuses Postponed, Illicit Market Summit Findings, Coronavirus Response, and more!
Welcome to NCIA Today – tune in for our latest episode! Host Bethany Moore, NCIA’s Communications Manager and host of NCIA’s weekly Podcast ‘NCIA’s Cannabis Industry Voice‘ brings you an in-depth look at what is happening across the country in federal cannabis policy reform and with NCIA. Off... Read more

We’ve all seen the toll that the coronavirus has played on the…

The post Is Avoiding Pot Stocks The Answer? appeared first on Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments and News. Roots of a Budding Industry.™.

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Tetra Biopharma Survey Validates Primary Endpoint of SERENITY© Clinical Trial    Tetra…

The post  Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc. (TBPMF) Survey Validates Primary Endpoint of SERENITY© Clinical Trial appeared first on Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments and News. Roots of a Budding Industry.™.

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The past three weeks have been quite bad for the cannabis market.…

The post Pot Stocks Have a Day of Bullish Gains  appeared first on Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments and News. Roots of a Budding Industry.™.

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European CBD Sales: Securing a Novel Food Authorization

Last year, the European Union reclassified extracts of Cannabis sativa L. and derived products containing cannabinoids, including CBD, as a “Novel Food” under the EU Novel Food Catalogue. The reclassification was based on the lack of demonstrated history of human consumption of these extracts and of any product to which they might be added. Indeed, […]

The post European CBD Sales: Securing a Novel Food Authorization appeared first on Harris Bricken.

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The past few months in the cannabis industry have been less than…

The post Do Marijuana Stocks Have a Bright Future? appeared first on Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments and News. Roots of a Budding Industry.™.

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Cannabis and Coronavirus: When is Contract Performance “Impossible” and Excused?

Last week, Vince Sliwoski wrote a post titled “Cannabis and Coronavirus: What Your Business Should Do Right Now” offering some high-level thoughts on how to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on cannabis businesses. One of the topics included reviewing contracts, regarding which Vince said: Pull these out and dust them off, whether it’s a lease, loan […]

The post Cannabis and Coronavirus: When is Contract Performance “Impossible” and Excused? appeared first on Harris Bricken.

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